Representation 101
On April 19, 2013 I wrote my U.S. Representative, Jo Bonner (R) a letter containing questions about CISPA (H.R. 624). I generally expect to recieve a form letter in return for my thoughts, but this time I got something a little better. I read over the bill after it had flown through the House, and while it was still on a few American minds. My questions were based on the following: Page 10 - line 5-24 "Federal Government in accordance with subsection (b)- (A) for cyber security purposes; (B) for the investigation and prosecution of cyber security crimes (C) for the protection of individuals from the danger of death or serious bodily harm and the investigation and prosecution of crimes involving such danger of death or serious bodily harm; (D) for the protection of minors from child pornography, any risk of sexual exploitation, and serious threats to the physical safety of minors, including kidnapping and trafficking and the investigation and prosecution of crimes involving c