The Voice Of Anarchadia New Zealand

My quest for objectivity has allowed me a few great opportunities to speak with some amazing people. Though I feel as if I am stuck in America sometimes, especially in the sense of political climate, it is refreshing to hear a new perspective from the other side of the world. I find over and again that there are others acting out their convictions, and living as an example for others who are either stagnant in their thinking, or frustrated with the environment they find themselves in. My hope in this interview is to convey to others that the stigma surrounding Anarchism is just that; in general, a misplaced, uninformed stigma. Anarchist movements are being shut down and censored every day, the world over, which leads me to believe that they are perceived as a threat to establishment on some level. I will let Caleb fill in the rest of these blanks. Enjoy. You are the owner of Anarchadia New Zealand. Why did you create this page, and what is the focus? The main reason I setup...