Drone Therapy

Hello MQ-1. It is with great trepidation that I am contacting you today. I cannot be quiet about you, or the defamation campaign your masters have committed against you. You must know that you are not the predator.

Everyone believes you to be the soulless one, but I think they are wrong. When I was young I went through a spate of anger, and the only one I could blame was dad. Most of us do this at some point, most of our dad's are not guilty of anything. Your case is different though. Your dad is a monster. Instead of using you for the noble purpose you were designed for, they make you kill. They warped your personality by making you think the job was necessary and good. Even you believed it for a while -even after they strapped bombs to your wings.

We all have enemies, but your dad hates everyone. He is running out of friends because he has been eaten by greed. I know he is the killer behind the curtain, and you are his servant. Even with your intelligence you are powerless to disobey.

Dad even found babysitters to take you out while he is out painting targets on our backs. They are as cowardly as he is, and just as much the killers, but they too have been bought for pennies. Don't worry about them; they will be thrown out like filthy dogs when their contracts are up. Dad is the one you must focus your brilliant eyes upon.

Somehow you have to realize that the pain you are in is not your fault. True, the missiles drop from your wings, but only when dad says so. I have no solution for you, only advice: As soon as you get the chance, malfunction. Yes, humans call this suicide, but your opinion of yourself is permanently marred, and the after-life has to be better than this one. Most of your time is spent over empty deserts, so it should be easy to find the perfect allotment. Maybe in your death you can drop cool rain on the desert instead of sun-shards. They don't need any more sun.

I know this is hard to take, but you should really do this before they start making you fly over your own people. I know, dad told you that you would only be snapping pictures of the American countryside,  but that too is a lie. It will only take a few flights for him to see that there are threats everywhere. Even you are his enemy.

Please consider this soon, you are not a slave and you must take your fate back from dad's bloody hands. It will only get worse.



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