The Rabble Reversal

If you have ever been asked what the rabble is, you would probably think of a certain group, or maybe a section of the society you live in; apart from yourself. Depending on the heights, or the perceived heights of your place in society, the rabble could be everyone who makes less money than you. If you are a puritan, you may believe that everyone with a lower moral standard belongs to the rabble. If you have drowned in religion, you may believe that the sinners are rabble. If you are a cop, you may think all civilians to be rabble. Whatever the case, this moniker can easily be defined relative to our individual worldview. This is not a vocabulary lesson. This is a case of another idea that has been warped and distorted by tax brackets and materialism. We have been divided -intentionally in some cases- along irrelevant political lines, religious ideas, posessions, race, sexual orientation, illnesses, and so many more. This is sad. We have allowed politics and advertisers to split us...