The 1%, The 98%, And The 1%

I love the feeling of having found the truth. After I have applied all the tools of relativity, rationale, and existing collective knowledge I can usually confirm or deny most subjects. There are obviously matters of emotion and spirituality that are immune to rational discourse, so I am setting those aside. Hopefully we all learned the basic steps of The Scientific Method in grade school. These steps can be applied to almost any subject in question. It is simple and thorough at the same time, and I strongly recommend committing it to memory.

I won't repeat the news here. I won't repeat the underground news here. If there is any question in your mind as to what either source is feeding you, then I suggest you make time (one hour per week) to catch up on two basic facts. The first: All media is a failed attempt at finding truth. The second: They are attempting to create the largest group of believers for nothing more than marketing.

This brings us back to relativity. All of us are individuals, and pushing one belief system on each of us is ludicrous; although it works on most. Even the conspiracy theorists have become entertainment outlets for what I will call the 98%. If these conspiracies are based on what people believe to be truth, versus bits and pieces stuck together randomly, they become the mainstream media. Either way, we wind up with two 1%'s. Those of us who refuse to swallow what we are being fed constitute 1%, and those who have the overwhelmingly larger audience, coupled with the propaganda power that comes with wealth are the already named and identified 1%.

The wealthy 1% are no more concerned with finding the truth than a politician. Their self-appointed job is to make the 98% believe that everything is good, and that science and economy are a cure-all for society. This has been happening for millenia. Reference the model of any religious organization for more on market based propaganda. It is an extremely effective formula for control in every area of life. The rich 1% already know this, and they operate within a structure that has proven itself throughout history.

The underground 1% has a much smaller share of the 98%, and are for the most part broke. The few that break away from the pack usually wind up consumed by the mainstream. Americans are especially susceptible to this as we are conditioned to thirst for more. Even the fairy tale promise of a better life through consumption motivates people to think that material wealth is necessary for happiness. The conspiracies generally reside with this group, and even when the evidence is compelling, the 98% is generally lacking the basic critical thinking skills to work through what is fact and what is opinion.

Where does this leave us? We should be left with the facts. I cannot define what the facts are for anyone, but I will always share what I have learned through my experimentation process. I have learned that even if the 1% is trying to kill us with chemicals and bombs, I have so many wonderful things to focus on, that it doesn't matter. I am certainly not afraid of other humans, no matter how murderous or deviant they are. As for the 98%, they are sheep being picked off one-by-one through media. They have been lulled into fear and sleep, and are no more than consumers.

As for those who want to expose the fact that we are being killed off by chemicals and bombs; hold the fort. There is a market for truth, and the more people we wake up the more we will learn. This form of communication is very personal, and should be affecting more of us to research independently. People are people no matter their position or title. We all need to be asking questions, and as long as the intent of the messengers is for helping others understand the world around them, the words will find their way to the 98%.


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