The Rabble Reversal

If you have ever been asked what the rabble is, you would probably think of a certain group, or maybe a section of the society you live in; apart from yourself. Depending on the heights, or the perceived heights of your place in society, the rabble could be everyone who makes less money than you. If you are a puritan, you may believe that everyone with a lower moral standard belongs to the rabble. If you have drowned in religion, you may believe that the sinners are rabble. If you are a cop, you may think all civilians to be rabble. Whatever the case, this moniker can easily be defined relative to our individual worldview.

This is not a vocabulary lesson. This is a case of another idea that has been warped and distorted by tax brackets and materialism. We have been divided -intentionally in some cases- along irrelevant political lines, religious ideas, posessions, race, sexual orientation, illnesses, and so many more. This is sad. We have allowed politics and advertisers to split us up into micro-demographic groups. For what? If you guessed that it is because we each have particular wants and needs, the programming worked. Remember the 98%? That's you.

If the magnitude of choices weren't so great, we might have had a chance at working together when it was needed most. Like now. The rabble, by definition is not a negative. It has become a negative because the rabble now resides in Washington, and on your televisions. The rabble is supposed to be the mass of people making noise. This is not the case today. The masses are quiet, in line, listening to a small group of people who are not ordinary. These few have something to sell, and we are buying.

At this point, if we could truly be considered "the rabble", it would be noble. How hard is it to care about the poison you don't know you are eating because it would hurt a company's profits? Have they succeeded to that degree? How hard is it to believe hard science over political speculation? How is it acceptable for doctors to write 50 million prescriptions of xanax per year? A article -ironically- states that it equals "over one prescription per second". Are that many of us mentally ill, and if so, why? Effective marketing from the worst kind of rabble; drug companies. It's sad that we depend on opiates to manage our anxiety when there are hundreds of  natural ways to calm ourselves.

I have said many times that all a person has to do is pick a subject that pisses you off and act on it with the intention of changing it. I was wrong. We need to gather under the cause of taking back everything. We are allowed to preserve nature. We are allowed to represent what we believe. We are the masters of the governors, but if we cannot gather, and truly be the rabble, the disorderly masses, this reversal will continue.
Picture credit: for my Canadian friends who already get it.


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