Introductions and Beginnings

The closer I get to my writing, the more I write random notes and introductory notes about things I would like to write about. Sometimes I expound, but most of the time the ideas get lost in the turning of pages and the losing of post-its or receipts.
Today I decided to post some of the Titles...
1. Patience And The Lengths We Go To In Order To Circumvent It
2. Multi-Standardized Methods And The Trappings Of Toys
3.Leaving It All Behind To Find More Lively Things
4. Scouring The Pastures Far, Far Away From Camp
5. Evading Trouble, And How The Truth Mingles With Fantasy, And Then Finally Disappears
6. The Wonderment Of Suspision And It's History Back To The Ancient Roots
7. Mexico's Utterly Patient Waging Of Guerilla Warfare On The U.S. To Take Back What We Stole
8. What If We Refuse To Use Transgenic Seeds?
9. A.M. Radio And The T.V. Dinner Revolution

Those are just a few ideas that could turn into chapter headings, or something of the like.


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