Jack Lew and Penmanship

   I quit using notebooks for writing three years ago. I found that when I wrote large bodies of work on paper, if it wasn't crap, or if it was a book chapter, I always had to type it out on the computer. This is double work, and grossly inefficient. The only time I use paper now is when I have to write the kids a sick note for school or take notes for what I am already writing.
   Today's news told me about how Mr. Lew lied multiple times about the budget deficit. No surprise there. There are threats of a fillibuster; albeit, Jeff Sessions of Alabama is making the noise. Even though I heard this story at 6:45 this morning (1/2 cup coffee consumed), I laughed. It was like saying, "This guy lied on national television, he can't hold such a high post in our government!" What? He lied? Jeff was right; we have to sit on our thumbs as a party, and instead of having rational discourse, we will fillibuster and see if he disappears. Has that ever happened? What if magic is real?
   I wasted about two hours reading about this Lew guy, and as far as I can tell he has every qualification to serve our great nation -the one where lies are cool, infidelity is normal, and wealth is a pre-requisite. He is well educated. I mean no disrespect to Israel or her people, but the one disconcerting bit of evidence against him is that he might be able to help Obama "build a more friendly rapport" with Netanyahu, the overlord of Israel. This is a red flag to me, as Ben has a bloodlust for enemies who pose no threat to his empire. If anything we should be trying him as a mass murderer. I doubt he represents the people of Israel, kind of like Obama and who he represents. Nobody really knows that. As far as qualifying for the job, being a Jew who knows lots of other Jews isn't really a qualification. Being buddies with the president makes him far more able to do his job.
   There is one more thing in the news about Lew: his stupid signature. Yes, it is embarassing. Yes, it is illegible scribble. Yes, it has been given air-time, while the people of Gaza are having their human rights burned to the ground and Americans are being censored for talking about it. Since his name is such a crisis, I came up with a remedy both for his qualifications and his personality. It's called "graphology". It is the science of penmanship, and what it says about a person. The Chinese developed it 3,000 years ago, and is actually a sound and well studied science. The current version tests 300 different characteristics of a person's handwriting. If we apply this to Lew, he will surely be deemed incompitent or severely mentally ill. If anyone from facebook is reading this, I suggest starting a petition that demands he take this test to see if he is even capable of writing. You laugh, but if a man will lie repeatedly to every one of us, be friends with President Pinocchio, and even remotely support a sycophant like Benjamin Netanyahu, he must be questioned.


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