
There are probably hundreds of people and things vying for my attention today. Some of these things will turn my head, others will be ignored. Every morning is another chance to shake the things that don't matter. I have a tendency to work too much on jobs that could easily be done another time, or are completely unnecessary, but sometimes the distinction is impossible to make.

The worst distraction I have faced recently has to do with social media. I hear all the time that writers should be using at least two forms of social networking in order to build a following that should one day lead to more success. The problem is that I can't stand it; especially Facebook. There are a few people that I talk to, and those I consider to be actual friends, but overall it is an annoyance and a huge distraction. I liken it to television. After a few minutes of watching, your brain kind of turns off and goes into something like auto pilot. Most of the input you are receiving is going straight to your subconscious, or the filing system that we have no control over. It could be considered relaxing, but sleep is far more effective.

These activities drown creativity. I spent eight months away from Facebook and was able to produce more than I ever have. In the three or four weeks that I have been back, I have experienced a form of writer's block like never before. I realize that some people are more sociable than I am and they have no problem spending a few hours a day scrolling through all the pretty quips and pictures, when I tend to feel like I slept in too late. The only real benefit is that  my wife can list her relationship status as "married to Johnny Ojanpera". That's really not enough to justify the complete destruction of my ability to write.

I am not a salesman. If my words don't reach anyone it will be because my writing is shit, and not because I lacked the will to network through drones on Facebook. I know from blogging and it being shared that at least 90% of people on Facebook are either passive readers, or they do not read at all. It's basic  math, and it is also very frustrating. Most of us prefer to read one or two lines and then move on. Those numbers don't equal a readership that could turn into a market.

It's not a matter of self control. I have no issues in the discipline department. If I were lacking there I would still be scrolling through the inactive activists pictures, reading inspirational memes and news that I would rather not know. The worst conversations are the ones I have with those who have never cracked a book, but insist on tackling very complex issues. Politics and History are especially ridiculous.

I say these things not because I am above social media, but because it doesn't suit me. I could very well exist in obscurity for the rest of my life, but at least I will know that I didn't squander my time wondering if some creepy person inboxed me. I prefer the elusive path whether I succeed or fail. Those of you who know me will know where I'm coming from, and those who don't should understand now.

I am sharing this flower for my friends on Facebook since I am not there to put it on my wall today.


  1. Johnny is a wonderful writer, very smart and has a great sense of life in general.. I will miss him on Facebook but I will continue to read his writing. Best thoughts and wishes to a great friend.

  2. Thank you Kyle. I had you in mind when I gave 10% to people that read or support what I do. I look forward to working with you in the future. Keep in touch! -J


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