What Is An Assault Rifle?

   An assault rifle is an instrument of death; an effective one. It can spray lead until the clip is empty. If your cause is only satiated by the use of an assault rifle, be careful because your cause will be met with something even more heinous than your full metal jacket. You will be met by the human spirit. You will be met by a force infinitely more powerful than a garage cluttered by assault rifles.
   The consequences of any plan to harm humanity as a whole will be disproportionately answered with the most potent force on earth; a people unified by your cowardly, violent plan. You see, when we are united against you there is no chance of success. If you get even one shot off at one of us it will be both a stroke of luck and a death sentence all at once.
   We will be carrying the weapons given to us by our creator; our intelect, our mouths, and our feet and fists if necessary. If you attack, your bullets will run out long before we do. If you get a shot off, it will mean that our diplomacy has failed. I will be in the front so my brothers and sisters can have the pleasure of pulling you apart, thread by thread.
   We all possess a terribly violent nature that most of us never have need of. When you invoke this in all of us, your weapon will be reduced to a child's cap gun; less even than a pellet gun. Your choice at this point will be to run. Your refusal to integrate into the billions of us that live in harmony despite our differences will rise up; then you will know what "para-military" means. Many of us own assault rifles just like you but we will have no use for them. You can have a few of them as a "head start". Your army is cracking, fraying, decomposing. The earth that you stand on is stolen, even it will fall away from under your feet.
   This is the new world order. The people rising up against the oppressive sound of your rifle will be deafening. If you are not already hiding in a closet next your guns, then you should. The doctors recommend your isolation, as you have been split from reality.
   The world has been begging for peace, and so far the tools you use to further your demented agenda have been of little affect. The voices of reason and the powers that be are on the precipice of awareness. The awareness that humanity no longer has use for the bickering and law making, and that we will take the reigns from them to escort you madmen to the hyena's den. Your willingness to bend the knee will determine how you suffer. There will be no rehabilitation nor will you be institutionalized. We already know that a rotten, poisoned mind cannot be made well by anything but the scratching of your trigger finger, or execution. You have been reduced to worthlessness.
   If you choose to hide behind those of us whose arsenals are superior, and whose minds are whole, you should be looking over your shoulder indefinitely. These men and women will be our final onslaught. They know what it means to protect. I dare you to poke your head up out of your fox hole; the fox is coming home. Your hate has lost it's meaning now, and it will feed on you like the most aggressive cancer without relief or cure.
You have been warned.


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