
   I don't usually talk about what I listen to in the morning when I take the kids to school, but I heard something so refreshing and encouraging that I have to spill it.
   Some mornings I listen to music; it gets the kids excited about the day ahead. They love "Orange Crush", "Day Sleeper", and "Bad Day"; by REM. They sing along with music that I love and it truly is wonderful. Music is usually played on Thursday or Friday mornings because we are all tired from a long week, and by then I am usually sick to death of my other listening choice; talk radio.
   Mobile has an FM talk station that is -for entertainment and audience access purposes- right wing by definition, and after a morning show, the heavy hitters of conservative talk hit the air waves or maybe airwaves.
   "Mobile Mornings", is the name of a locally hosted duo of local media jewels; Sean Sullivan, and Wayne Gardener. They offer a moderately conservative, viewpoint on the headlines; especially political items. They are a Mobile staple after only two years.
   Next, we have Neal Boortz. I am usually out of the car at this point, and I don't like him very much. He slides off into a world of militant dialogue laced with fear then propagates it over the airwaves. It shows lack of responsibility and integrity on his part, and possibly dangerous for listeners when consumed in great quantities. Though brilliant, his voice is one that widens the division between Americans. Of course he is not alone in this field.
   Today he opened his show with a chiding, somewhat scathing review of the Republican party. It was beautiful. He shredded the three Republicans that said something that has to do with a woman or her body. He talked about these foolish men, he defended abortion, he defended gay marriage; but only from the standpoint of  the idiots that cost the party three Senate seats. He also said he will change his voter registration to Libertarian.
   The difference today was a more open minded, on fire man. If everyone in our country heard it, I promise to both "sides", that we will all agree with the fact that the GOP has walked backward so far as to become extinct. The word "old" lies right there in the center of their name. Seems like a hint at least, and a curse at worst. Unless someone appears out of thin air, they are doomed. 
   Please, everyone tear the "I miss Reagan" stickers off of your cars. He's dead, the cold war is dead, and so are his policies. Please leave this thinking in the Eighties; it has no place in this century.
   As for the Republicans; quit trying to reproduce something that worked in one specific time in the past. Burn your barns. Burn your paper work. Burn the elephant if you have to. Reform yourselves into something interesting and relevant, and you might get another man in the Oval Office; after President Obama of course. Pray to something or someone, or just pay someone, and ask them how to dismantle the time machine. It isn't working. 


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