The Results of Biased Media

   I read an op-ed this morning about how the Romney campaign truly believed they would win; even during the eve of the election when the numbers were pooring in. Mitt was apparently "shell shocked" and his boy wonder running mate was "generally shocked". Why were they so shocked?
   I can count a few reasons for their massive defeat. Aside from the political suicide of Richard Mourdock and Todd Akin, there was another factor. The Romney camp decided to look at their own numbers; "Instead, it turned to its own internal "unskewed" polls, which it believed more accurately reflected the situation on the ground." (CBS News) The media duped him. Even his own people lacked the assertive gene neccessary to win an election. A sad state of affairs in an election so big as to make us feel like something detrimental will happen to each of us. If you feel like you are in danger because of Obama's win, I cannot help you.
   Another factor of confidence for Romney was the amount of money he had. There was a difference of $58.6 million at the end of the day, in the Governor's favor. Oops; money still won't win an election.
   There is one more example of finance versus political office. Her name is Linda McMahon. She has spent $100 million on two losing Senate campaigns. The sad part; it was her own money. Chris Murphy, the victor, spent around $20 million and Linda spent about $50 million. Thank you for giving the Democrats another Senate seat Mrs. McMahon; your party wants you to become one of the ladies of wrestling -please leave your clothes on.
   I personally cannot believe that the Elephant (in the room) party was so blind to the numbers. Obama was the winner from the day Bin Laden was shot. He won the race because he loves women. He won because there is a war going on. (the only president that did not win a second term during a war was Bush senior.) He won for his inclusive nature where minorities are concerned. Republicans deserve a red card on general principal and another for coming across as stupid and backward.
   There is a talking point going around in the aftermath, and wound licking of the elephants, that is trying so hard to convince us that Obama got re-elected because we all want something from the government. I hate to break it to you, but the group that does want free stuff is small in comparison to the millions who voted that do pay taxes and would never exchange their hard work for a handout. It is mathematically impossible. Reps, find something real to bash your enemies with. Or better yet, quit justifying your losses and come up with a new vision for your boring party. It is a party after all.


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