Click Here/The New Pope
This site wants comments:
Take a glance at a few paragraphs and see if these people qualify for non-profit staus, as their address implies. They need attention. They need feedback desparately.
I was going to make fun of the new Pope today because it is truly a ridiculous thing. I was combing through Catholic church statistics, wondering why everything I read was about decline and disappearance. They are committing slow suicide on all counts. Not that all major religions aren't doing the same; Catholics are more prominent. It's all about money. What if they sell the Vatican and all the golden crap inside? That could feed every starving child in the world for years. They won't do that; they have to save their cash for the defectors that quit buying trinkets. It's happening...
So I'm innocently looking for statistics, and I found some, but the content of this site is horrifying. It is obviously a hack-job. The scary part is that there are probably thousands of sites like their's that exist for nothing more than to rip you off. On the rare occasion that I offer good information, it is completely free. I even refuse donations. I have even seen my copyrited words printed in slightly different forms, and I don't try to make money from them.
The main thing I learned from those creepy people is that myself, my home, and my children are in grave danger. I don't have any crosses on my doors, necklaces, beads, holy water, or a priest. According to them, I am subject to terrorist attacks, demons, and hell. There was a picture of the post-bombed twin towers next to some of the junk they were selling. It further affirmed my decision to be not only completely unaffiliated with, but also to stand in direct opposition to religion in general. I have seen it from most every direction, and it is all equally disgusting. We all have to believe in something, but we don't all have to be told what we believe in.
If the Christian side of religion was designed around simplicity, they missed the mark. I can understand the major cults complicating things to keep people guessing, but the mainstream should have been different. There should be no six million dollar buildings. There should be no tax for attending. One last thing: If you sell a product or service, you have to pay taxes. The church sells both. In essence, the entire world of organized religion in America is perfectly represented by the hucksters that run that terrible web-site. Tax exempt. *shakes head*
If you go to church, think about how many times your money has been taxed, then add what you are paying a man to dictate your beliefs, and see if the ten percent increase is worth it. Do you get that ten percent deducted from your taxable earnings for the year when you file taxes, or is it only a percentage of what you paid your preacher? If you don't know, you should take basic accounting classes on Sundays from 10:00-12:30 and 6:00-8:30, and again on Wednesdays from 6:00-8:30. Don't make our government support your churches. Make your churches pay taxes. And for the love of all things sweet and loving, don't let anyone tell you that you are going to hell if you don't adhere to the particulars of another man's religion. Write your own religion; it's cheaper.
This is a picture of Veronica Leuken, the prophetess that hears things from Jesus, Mary, and some Saints (dead ones).
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