False Flag Attacks

Who will be to blame for the next big terror attack? I have a guess: anyone, with the exception of who actually orchestrated it. The history of the US is rife with credible examples of intentional war-making efforts. Perhaps the worst in recent memory is 9/11. The conspiracy theorists can't be wrong every time. Scientists who specialize in explosives, proffesionals in building demolition, and the "coincidental" military scenarios that mirrored exactly what happened that day cannot all be wrong. There is such a thing as odds, and when you have a government that is bent on world domination, coupled with undeniable evidence against them, the odds have to at least be even.

Let's say that 50% of all wars America has fought were legit, and the other half were intentionally fostered in using "terrorist" attacks. When I was in school, 50% was a fail. The sad part is that I was being far too generous giving them only 50% culpability. The term "false flag attack" means that if I were to burn a house down, but blamed it on someone else through tainted evidence and effective propaganda, I could sick the judicial system on the one I blamed. I wouldn't even be a suspect; much like our government. I would be a hero.

Where is this trust coming from? It is coming from people who still believe that elections equal freedom and security. Some of the most disgusting countries on earth have elections. Not enough? Americans are lazy. Why worry about those people in Washington when they never accomplish anything? It is a ruse. Think about Obama's perpetual smile. Think about Paul Ryan's feigned sincerity. Does anyone really think they do nothing? They do. They look for ways to make money and war. They represent you as much as I do, and unless you know me, I represent myself.

I dread it, but the day will come when you will have to make a choice. Will you fall in line in order to gain security from your government, or will you turn the tv off and stand for something? Will you stand idly when your savings account is being pillaged by them without your permission? Most in this country will. If you are the other kind of person, how will you fight them? Do you know what to do when the resistance cuts your power and water off without your permission? Do you know why that is neccessary to a successful revolution? Do you know how to grow vegetables? Can you dig a well without calling a contractor?

Don't worry, there are enough of us that do. The aristocracy will suffer the most, and the welfare state will reverse. Kingdoms rise and fall. Ours is busy being greedy the world over. Who is planning the next big thing? Let's all hope that it will be us, and not a foreign power. We will crumble eventually, and I hope that there will be enough of us to take it all back from those wonks in DC. They shouldn't be allowed to kill their own citizens and blame it on someone else.

*It is widely believed that Mr. Bin Laden died of natural causes some time in 2001. That may explain why we have no pictures, video, or real confirmation on his assasination last year. It was a great story though.


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