NSA Records

In case anyone was wondering about the NSA circus, I have some information that I would like to leak. First, if you are within the borders of the US and you are "documented", then you are considered a "US person". That goes for corporations too. Sometimes our protectors need to personify and use symbolism in order to cover every avenue. Inanimate objects are also subject to this scrutiny.

Sometimes our information is "inadvertently" collected. Even though I have never collected another person's personal information inadvertently, I can see how this might happen when the lines between human, corporate, and any other symbolic form of humanity are blurred. For instance, when I hit the "publish" button, my words could turn into Walmart, or maybe something far worse. This entire blog could morph into a national security threat.

I'm sure there are still US persons out there who believe that since they are not of arab descent that they do not qualify for this accidental information gathering. To those, I beg you to wake up. Federal spies will intrude upon the pastiest white cracker in the country for no reason. If they don't find anything compelling because you are so damn boring, they can make something up. Remember, email goes both ways.

Blacks, Asians, and Latinos beware. Socially, in many areas of the US, you are viewed as equal to pasty white people. To the spies you are suspect because you live here. Even if your family has been here since before the Mayflower, your motives for being here could be seen symbolically as terroristic. For all they know, all minorities could be sleeper cells, radicalized in their homeland, planted here, and set to destroy America's security. Remember, spy cameras see in many megapixels.

Native Americans, you were terrorists as soon as you walked across the Bering Strait. Anyone who enters US borders without the proper identification instantly lands on the terror list. I know, you were here first and you take care of this land with respect and dignity, but actions and motives are different galaxies when the spy agencies walk in. They don't even care that you are directly responsible for the white man's survival. Yes, even you are US persons.

Business men of all nationalities -including American- are US persons as well. Just because you still use a Blackberry doesn't mean that you can't plan an attack. Sure, Facebook doesn't work on your phone, but an archaic form of texting and email does. They know when you are bidding jobs unfairly. You know, the jobs where your competition's wife texted you his bid to ensure you the job. They are recording this; sometimes by accident. No, the IRS is not your biggest concern any more. They are busy spying on insolvent right wingers.

I hope these leaks have shed some light on our fears. I'm not leaving the country. I am already on a watch list somewhere just like you. I am not trying to be a hero either. There are enough attention whores out there making us think that their information is unique. My advice is to quit using all forms of communication if you want privacy. Even our respectable president condones these intrusions. He probably thinks it's cool.

*Tomorrow's blog will feature an Earth-friendly communication device that is impossible to tap.


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