
Politicians win unopposed offices. Why have a vote? I have written my name in on every unchallenged election since the first time I voted and have yet to win, or even get on the news ticker. The incumbent always wins.

Preachers of any faith are seldom challenged. I have never competed for that job for my inability to believe that another man's philosophy could match mine so closely. Listening to one person week-in and week-out for years tends to become one dimensional, as well as unfair to the speaker. Even professors get new students every semester.

On a personal level, on one of my blogs, I have only been challenged a few times. I am certain that more people than that have been offended, angered and in complete disagreement with me. Either that, or less people have opinions than I thought. I am certainly not "right" all the time. -Though I am getting the sense that I must be.

So what's wrong with going unchallenged?

1. Dynastic Ideations

Dynasties never end well; not even in sports. Their demise becomes certain as soon as they forget what put them in that position in the first place. You see, while you are on top, someone is taking notes, plotting a way to un-seat you. There is always a better man, and there is always a smarter player. Your opposition becomes invisible when your thoughts float away into your greatness.

2. Loneliness

Being king of any hill puts you on the top, or the point of said hill. There is not even room for a queen up there. Though you may enjoy the feeling of breathing the thin air of your conquest, you have no one to share it with. True loneliness will eventually dissolve everything positive from your life. I am in love with my -more productive- introverted side, but I have learned that spending too much time with that person whittles away at me even when others are present. It's best to stay connected with something alive even if you prefer animals and plants over humans.

3. Smart Ass/Dumb Ass

These are extremes. They are not opposing forces. I have met plenty of people who are both. I generally equate a true smart ass to someone who really is intelligent, but has nothing to give it substance. For instance, someone who cannot do anything with their hands. It takes all kinds, but any of us who choose to do only the things that come easy can easily become this undesirable character.

A dumb ass is self-explanatory for the most part, but if someone chooses not to challenge their intellect they are in danger of slipping into this category.

4. John Mayer

My wife has this crush on John. I think he is perfect for her, in the dream sense. Every quality that I have, he has better. The main departure between he and I are money, fame, superior guitar skills (his) and height. I think he's a foot taller than me too. It's ironic that she likes tall men, yet married a guy with diminutive stature. John will forever be my competition, as he is the better man; kind of. I saw her first besides. There is only one deal-breaker with him, but that is none of anyone's business. Bottom line; he challenges me -particularly his blues.

5. Fear

If left untreated, fear can be far more devastating than loneliness. My fears tend to pull me into isolation. My problem is identifying fear. I am generally intrepid and  I love exploring new things, but there is always something that lurks in my periphery that can plant itself like a weed in my yard. If left unchallenged, it has the potential to steal ground that I have already won. This is another case for close relationships.

I wonder if others intentionally challenge the things in their lives that can take root and take over. Any insight is appreciated.


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