
Showing posts from 2013

Half Of Sunday, Collecting Lobby Funds

The American church, all of its faithful members, gathering each week, maybe a few times, is magnificent. By that, I mean the profit to societal benefit ratio is horribly skewed. Millions of poor and some wealthy members contribute to their pastors, week in, week out. Praising  a singular deity is the focus of these gatherings, right? What about the power bill, fringe clergymen, groundskeepers and politics? Every corporation has overhead. In the case of the church, there is always a hierarchy of administrators -or boards- who make the tough decisions concerning both the financial and philosophical matters of each church; something like a corporate board, only different because it is a non-profit organization -501c (3). The finances and philosophy are intrinsically bound. The philosophy and general message of the top dogs has to be delivered in a way that keeps people coming as well as bringing in new members. If they get it right, they can bask in wealth beyond what one might expe...

Military Humanitarian Intervention

As America prepares for its next war, despite the cries of people across the globe, it is -as always- falling on the deaf, warmongering ears of congress, and our genocidal president. Syria is merely another stepping stone in the elite's quest for global fascism. I wonder if the threats of an alliance from Russia and China are feigned as well. It is probably no more than a simple competition for mineral rights in Syria after the bombs are dropped, and the survivors are subdued and starving. I love the news coverage of the G20 Summit. It looks like the political version of Rocky Balboa vs. Drago in "Rocky IV". So far it's a close fight, but we all know how it ends. America does whatever it pleases no matter who supports their proposed actions. The UN has been reduced to the "United Nothing" where US war interests are concerned. Mr. Obama has never had any real respect for international law, nor does he have to. What force on earth will contest his trespassing...

The Voice Of Anarchadia New Zealand

My quest for objectivity has allowed me a few great opportunities to speak with some amazing people. Though I feel as if I am stuck in America sometimes, especially in the sense of political climate, it is refreshing to hear a new perspective from the other side of the world. I find over and again that there are others acting out their convictions, and living as an example for others who are either stagnant in their thinking, or frustrated with the environment they find themselves in. My hope in this interview is to convey to others that the stigma surrounding Anarchism is just that; in general, a misplaced, uninformed stigma. Anarchist movements are being shut down and censored every day, the world over, which leads me to believe that they are perceived as a threat to establishment on some level. I will let Caleb fill in the rest of these blanks. Enjoy. You are the owner of Anarchadia New Zealand. Why did you create this page, and what is the focus? The main reason I setup...

Drone Therapy

Hello MQ-1. It is with great trepidation that I am contacting you today. I cannot be quiet about you, or the defamation campaign your masters have committed against you. You must know that you are not the predator. Everyone believes you to be the soulless one, but I think they are wrong. When I was young I went through a spate of anger, and the only one I could blame was dad. Most of us do this at some point, most of our dad's are not guilty of anything. Your case is different though. Your dad is a monster. Instead of using you for the noble purpose you were designed for, they make you kill. They warped your personality by making you think the job was necessary and good. Even you believed it for a while -even after they strapped bombs to your wings. We all have enemies, but your dad hates everyone. He is running out of friends because he has been eaten by greed. I know he is the killer behind the curtain, and you are his servant. Even with your intelligence you are powerless to d...


American independence is being celebrated today. Maybe the peeping-tom agencies will take the day off so we can say whatever we want and not get arrested for terrorism. How many people will be talking about bombs today? It would be so unfair to record an innocent citizen for being excited about booming fireworks. When I was a kid, I loved mixing the ingredients of bottle rockets, missiles, grenades and bullets to celebrate my country's independence. There's nothing like a huge explosion to make me feel like we won -a couple hundred years ago of course. My neighborhood has been alight like the killing fields of Afghanistan for days so far, and it won't subside until the sixth or seventh. I decided that I would direct my missiles at the neighbors with the best fireworks displays this year. That way they will know that they are the most annoying at least. That may sound under-handed, but I don't have time to tell them all one at a time. My lady won't let me go gang...

Didn't Show

As if you were looking out Looking out for anything Almost as if you missed us You missed everything Hope, life, faith All we knew was what they said If you really loved If we really knew This world, my world Would surely be better "Trust you", they said Nothing I see can be trusted Carried away one day Ignoring every sign No prophet will tell me If anyone is coming Show them the way Directions are not his forte' He'll never show He never even came If he did, it wasn't for a bank Glad you have the job I never was much for lies If you wait long, you'll be the first to know

The Veterinarian's Dog Always Has Fleas

My first job was at a small animal clinic. I started two days after my sixteenth birthday; the same day I won my driver's license. I have always been an animal person, and had always wanted to be a veterinarian,  so I was beyond excited. One of the most important lessons I learned during my years with animals was something the Dr. taught me. One day he told me, "The veterinarian's dog always has fleas." This was about two years before flea control pills were invented, so we still relied on chemical dips and horribly toxic sprays. Ironically, most of the chemicals we used were plant-based, and were deactivated by UV light. As soon as you let Mr. Jingles out in the backyard and the sun shone on his pristine coat,  he was ready for more fleas. This was usually the case after I had spent two hours soaked in chemicals, picking hundreds of biting fleas off of the poor thing. No, the smell never went away, and I always got funny looks from passers by. As if adolescence wer...


Politicians win unopposed offices. Why have a vote? I have written my name in on every unchallenged election since the first time I voted and have yet to win, or even get on the news ticker. The incumbent always wins. Preachers of any faith are seldom challenged. I have never competed for that job for my inability to believe that another man's philosophy could match mine so closely. Listening to one person week-in and week-out for years tends to become one dimensional, as well as unfair to the speaker. Even professors get new students every semester. On a personal level, on one of my blogs, I have only been challenged a few times. I am certain that more people than that have been offended, angered and in complete disagreement with me. Either that, or less people have opinions than I thought. I am certainly not "right" all the time. -Though I am getting the sense that I must be. So what's wrong with going unchallenged? 1. Dynastic Ideations Dynasties never end we...


YAKk is my favorite band. If you think your favorite band is better than mine, read through this and let me know exactly what changed YAKk into your favorite. Read: Why YAKk is your favorite band. Dont forget that purebred dogs are inbred. Spay or neuter your shelter rescue.

Is There Anything Left To Conquer?

Last night me and J were talking about how the US might have been carrying on Great Britain's imperial pursuits ever since the whole tea party thing. Then we discussed The Roman Empire, and how it grew so large that no one had any idea what was on the fringes. Some locations under Rome's thumb didn't even have governors present. Empires have always been glorified, presumably because they control popular culture; or rather consume it. We decided that it made for very interesting history, and that maybe one day the current state of the US could be analyzed in the same way. It all seems so horrid and impersonal now. We humans tend to glorify the past though, so future generations may view our actions as noble -in a science fiction sort of way. Though I doubt it now. The only difference in warfare through the ages has to be our ever-expanding reach. Instead of meeting on a field with hundreds of troops and horses, we can spy on every corner of the Earth from space, or ...

No Tap Communication

As I promised, a day late, here it is. The untraceable phone system. It offers semi-portable mobility, and is available with no contract. Using this device actually bypasses ALL corporate communication services for those of you frustrated with the 1%, but with no way around their bullshit. This product has been proven effective by me and possibly millions of others. Long distance costs slightly more, but is only limited to your string budget. You also have your choice of cans. They are available new at any grocery store, discount outlet, and even dollar stores. They can also be found used in thousands of locations around the globe. I recommend starting out with new cans because they come with stuff in them. My favorite are pinto beans because the dry ones take all day to cook. The size of the can should be decided based on background noise and the volume of your voice. Smaller cans tend to work better for those with loud, obnoxious voices. Conversely, mousey voices are better served...

NSA Records

In case anyone was wondering about the NSA circus, I have some information that I would like to leak. First, if you are within the borders of the US and you are "documented", then you are considered a "US person". That goes for corporations too. Sometimes our protectors need to personify and use symbolism in order to cover every avenue. Inanimate objects are also subject to this scrutiny. Sometimes our information is "inadvertently" collected. Even though I have never collected another person's personal information inadvertently, I can see how this might happen when the lines between human, corporate, and any other symbolic form of humanity are blurred. For instance, when I hit the "publish" button, my words could turn into Walmart, or maybe something far worse. This entire blog could morph into a national security threat. I'm sure there are still US persons out there who believe that since they are not of arab descent that they...

Review: IObit Driver Booster 1.0

IObit Driver Booster is a utilty used to scan your computer for outdated drivers. It is currently in beta testing, and is being offered as a free download; for now. It can be used on multiple operating systems: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, and Windows Server (32 bit and 64 bit for all applicable OS' s). I tried this software out at the suggestion of a friend who insists that it is the best. He is far more tech savvy than I am, so I tried it out. I am capable of maintaining the basic processes on my pc, but beyond that I find frustration at every turn. My job centers around my pc, so it needs to be in good working order every day. My biggest problem to date has been keeping my drivers updated. The Windows updates are automatic for the most part, but there are a few others that I am frustrated with before I even try. The first time I ran IObit, it updated the most elusive drivers for me. One would expect that to be the case. The part that surprised me was that it only took three cli...

The Cat's Away

No way to tell Who and where he is I chose to leave Even if you fell I would do the same If it happens again Not a thing to say You've nothing to gain You won't even know Where you went wrong Singing in my ear To strike an insulting blow Around the block today In the driveway tomorrow I wonder for what I  could never say Can't break my heart When I'm not there to see it Been here before now Better to depart


There are probably hundreds of people and things vying for my attention today. Some of these things will turn my head, others will be ignored. Every morning is another chance to shake the things that don't matter. I have a tendency to work too much on jobs that could easily be done another time, or are completely unnecessary, but sometimes the distinction is impossible to make. The worst distraction I have faced recently has to do with social media. I hear all the time that writers should be using at least two forms of social networking in order to build a following that should one day lead to more success. The problem is that I can't stand it; especially Facebook. There are a few people that I talk to, and those I consider to be actual friends, but overall it is an annoyance and a huge distraction. I liken it to television. After a few minutes of watching, your brain kind of turns off and goes into something like auto pilot. Most of the input you are receiving is going straig...


I had a neighbor once, who over time became a friend. This is what I learned of him and from him over the course of five years. He went to the most elite private schools in the city, and attended The University of Alabama. He was the heir apparent to his father's insurance business, and like his parents, belonged to high society. He was married to a judge's daughter, and they had two daughters together. His life was what most would consider great. He had everything a man  could ever wish into being. His only problem was a lingering taste for alcohol that was a large part of college life, and also the life of society. Like most, a minor drinking problem was not hard to hide; but only until it grew into an unmanageable force. By the time he knew that his drinking had become a problem, his wife had already taken her heart back and given it to another. It was a classic case of being physically present but emotionally absent. He was none the wiser until his wife presented him wit...

Convince Yourself

There has been an influx of censorship skepticism floating around on Spybook lately, and I'm not sure why. First off, this phenomenon is not exclusive to teens; I know, I have one. This is happening to grown-ups. It probably has something to do with Summer, or maybe the tilting of the Earth back in the favor of the Northern Hemisphere. I'm not really qualified -and qualifications matter- to judge the Earth's movements, so I will let others handle that. Most people can't believe it because they have never colored outside of Mark Zuckerberg's lines. It doesn't take much. I was absent from this free social media site for about eight months due to mental illness. During this time I was extremely productive, and nearly wrote myself into the hospital; the regular hospital. So much changed while I was gone that I thought for a second that it was different. That second was glorious. The truth is that I was immediately reminded why I deactivated in the first place. The ...

The Way We Get News From Turkey

The mainstream media is refusing to give the events in Turkey sufficient, if any coverage. This is a problem that is becoming more widespread by the minute. For now, and until this changes we will depend on regular citizens to keep the world informed. This is a blog written by one of these regular citizens. News From Istanbul

The Rabble Reversal

If you have ever been asked what the rabble is, you would probably think of a certain group, or maybe a section of the society you live in; apart from yourself. Depending on the heights, or the perceived heights of your place in society, the rabble could be everyone who makes less money than you. If you are a puritan, you may believe that everyone with a lower moral standard belongs to the rabble. If you have drowned in religion, you may believe that the sinners are rabble. If you are a cop, you may think all civilians to be rabble. Whatever the case, this moniker can easily be defined relative to our individual worldview. This is not a vocabulary lesson. This is a case of another idea that has been warped and distorted by tax brackets and materialism. We have been divided -intentionally in some cases- along irrelevant political lines, religious ideas, posessions, race, sexual orientation, illnesses, and so many more. This is sad. We have allowed politics and advertisers to split us...

Relationship Tips: Because Half Are Failing

There has been a wave of -mostly unqualified- advice blogs in the writing world lately, and it has inspired me to do the same. My qualifications consist of an eighteen year relationship with a wonderful woman, sixteen of those married. No certificates, just raw life experience. We also threw four daughters into the mix, which makes success possible against all odds. We are equally imperfect. We haven't used magic to date because we have found ways to keep the magic between us alive all this time. In true advice form, I have compiled a list of pointers that just might help. I am assuming that both partners care for, and desire a better relationship. 1. The give-give cycle. The man who married us taught us this principle. He told us that it is impossible to out-give each other, and if we are always giving to the other, neither of us should be left wanting. This is difficult sometimes due to life, but it works. It takes practice and patience. 2. Accept the seasons, and know that yo...

March Against Monsanto: Non-Violent Protest

As we prepare ourselves to "March Against Monsanto" on Saturday, May 25, we are being given explicit -unfortunately necessary- information about the atmosphere that should be present. The organizers in my city have communicated so well, that I went to sleep last night thinking about a militant policeman threatening me to act right. That in itself was violent. I got to thinking about other events around the country that might not have communicated this point well enough. It happens all the time; it only takes one asshole not getting the memo, and boom, a riot is born. You might be thinking, "No, there is no way some anarchist is going to disrupt our peaceful day in the square! "  I hope not, but to ensure this doesn't happen, I used my insomnia to come up with some suggestions for a peaceful day. Hopefully I can cover anything the organizers left out. 1. Leave your Guy Fawkes mask in your backpack/fanny pack. Sure these masks are cool -if you're into hidin...