4.5 Readers

Historically, I have had six consistent readers. I often have a spike in the numbers from day-to-day, but those same six always read my crap. Things change though, and I am formally reducing my consistent readership to 4.5.

That number is consistent in other areas of my life as well. A good friend of mine, I'll call him "B", helped me develop the 4.5 system. We were standing around our fire pit, freshly started. We built the fire in the tee-pee style, which assures an eventual collapse. Over time -and many fires- we realized that it took 4.5 minutes for the wood to collapse.

This concept was further ratified when I told "B" that I could beat him up in 45 seconds (in a friendly way). He replied by telling me that he could take me out in 4.5 seconds. We will never really know, but it was funny; if only you could have been there. The two of us would be in totally different fighting classes, and neither of us are fighters by nature.

I'm not sure if "B" is one of my 4.5 readers, but he listens to me talk in real life, so he is excused. If I have to I will read my blogs to him in person. It won't help my stats, but that's not why I write. Actually, that isn't true. I want my readership to go beyond 4.5, all the way to 45.5. That is my goal. If you see my link anywhere, click on it. As soon as the page loads you can close the window. It takes less than 4.5 seconds depending on what type of device you use. Thank you for spreading the virus that is my writing.


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