
Yesterday, as my wife was describing me as a "pissed off teddy bear", I was going against the nature of my blog. I have maintained a high standard so far concerning the title of the whole blog; "Unrevised." I made revisions by someone's standards that, when pointed out, made me feel the need to change the title. After a short debate with the offended party, it was decided.

The "revisions" I made were in the form of un-publishing certain posts I have made. I think there were 112 that I took out. At first I didn't think I was revising because I didn't edit any content; I merely changed the level of access to selected works. That sounds really serious. It's not, but if I wrote something three years ago that I think is too personal or just because I don't like title, then it goes away.

Now the title needs revising. I will obsess until I find a new one. I will find a title that not even I can corrupt, or that will corrupt me. The wrong one could pull me into a sea of sin; the kind I can't get out of. That could lead straight to hell like good intentions do. Ha. I have a few Ideas for things not to name it.

The Manifesto Of A Guy
The Better News Source
Read If You Have Time
You Didn't Ask, But I'm Answering Anyway
Who Thinks About That?
Unlicensed Therapy For Myself And Everyone Else
The Solicitor
I Think About Flowers...

That's all I have so far.


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