Re-activating Facebook

I regrettably de-activated my fb page about four months ago. Since then, I have used the time I saved for other things. I mostly write. Blogging takes up about an hour a day, and whatever hours I have aside from family are spent writing. What I am working on is a secret to most, and talking about it can sound a little grandiose. I'll spare those details for someone else.

This morning, I was thinking about fb, and how much fun it is. I miss the attention grabbing statuses, the stupid pictures smattered all over my news feed, the fights, the name calling, the religious crap, the stupid political arguements, and most of all, the guys who like to be chatty with other guys wives. It is enough to make any man wonder what might be going on. (inboxes are great too; they are so private) Watching it is also enough to drive you insane. I am not suggesting that I am in this position, but it happens. My girl is friends with whom she chooses, and we have trust between us, not other people.

Facebook is a great fishing hole. People meet and get married on there, and the best part is that it's free. Plus, if you are looking for someone with particular traits, it is a great medium. For dudes, all you have to do is send a request, hope she accepts it, and then lurk around her page to see what kind of girl she is simply by reading her statuses. Some girls are really easy to figure out; they get on facebook at the wrong times. I have suggested in the past, that if you think up a status that is personal in nature, or if you are angry, you should write it down, then sleep on it. If you still want to say it in the morning, then post it. It would save so much embarrassment if more users would practice that.

I also pondered the drunk facebookers. Drunkeness and fb are as bad as driving drunk, minus the jail time. You see, when we drink, our inhibitions are weakened, and when you sign in, it can be a horrible trainwreck, possibly resulting in people un-friending you. Being drunk on fb can also trickle out into real life friendships. I usually laugh and cover my eyes when I see a drunk fight. It's funny, but mortifying to see what people say. This also applies to X, cocaine, meth, xanax, and acid. Too much of a good thing can turn out so wrong.

Another thing I miss are the people that are truly friends who you love, but for some reason, they don't want anything to do with their old life. It's like having a friend in San Fransisco while I am still living in Alabama. I'm talking about the kind of friend that you lived with, cried with, grew pot plants with; like a brother. An accepted friend request is inferior to real communication with a friend like that. It happens though.

I actually despise facebook. I have no regrets. I wasted so much time arguing with "friends", and saying smart ass things, that I will never do it again. It is another culture draining spy tool that is further fucking everything up. In the four months since my departure, I have been putting the finishing touches on a novel, read a few books, sat in the sun, spent time with my kids, started two more books, and lost ten pounds. I understand that there is some value to it other than getting popular, but for the most part, the "friends" you have are no more than digital faces recycling the same shit over and over again. Hang on to the real friends you have because the other five hundred don't know you. The games never end either. Zynga figured you out.



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