US Citizenship

I have heard talk of Americans moving to another country because they are so unhappy. Most people threaten it, and have been for most of their lives. I have pondered the idea before, but not for religious or governmental reasons. I simply found a place that I would gladly move to forever, without looking back. The Americans who are disgruntled with the government may have sound reasoning, but there are some cautions that I would like to pass along.

First, if you think your freedoms are being summarily executed because we have a Progresive in office, think again. He is not very different in policy from the redneck we had in office last time. He will never take our guns either; it might just be harder to find bullets. Obama loves the boost in the economy caused by the frenzy of one phrase; "gun control". Who doesn't want more money?

Second, if you want to leave for religious reasons, like the pilgrims did, don't. They turned out to be homocidal xenophobes. Religion has been screwed up the world over, and unless you intend to start a cult, there is no better religious environment. Although Texas has lots of empty space. Our government actually likes the churches; it keeps citizens on the right path, which is oblivious. "There goes a drone. God help us." That's what they want you to do. Nothing. So, don't leave your country, stay and pray.

The next is a logistical issue that can make renouncing your citizenship difficult. The laws vary from country to country, but for the most part there is a consistent theme. If you fuck this up, you could be one of those considered "Stateless". You have no home, no protection from any government (double think how good that might sound), no legality, nor any way to obtain legality to cross borders, and so much more pain and heartache. If you have IRS, crime, or military issues, don't even try. All (personal) national debts are due when you figuratively give them the finger and leave.

Next, you need to establish citizenship in your newly chosen land of opportunity. Before you burn your passport and buy a ticket to wherever you think you might be going, read this. That has to do with the US side of things. Almost every country has it's own laws regarding new citizens. Some European countries require you to speak their language before they will even consider giving you anything, much less citizenship. There are many countries who would rather not have Americans at all, and they will bury you and your translator in paperwork. Note: your tranlator will quit. On the other hand, if a foreign country is welcoming you, think twice. We are not "god's chosen people". They might want to eat you or use you for science. Some countries require military service before granting citizenship. Oh shit, really?!!!!!!!!!1 Yep.

So the next time you become fat with bad news about how our country is tanking in every way, and you think you will explode and burn your birth certificate, think again. They are telling stories that are designed to make you feel that way, but not bad enough to defect. Your church, your government, and your news channels need you. If Americans defect in large enough numbers, the afformentioned will go broke. Don't do that to your country, those people love you.


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