Exclamation Point + 1
When you get really pissed off at someone, and your only means of communication is electronic, the exclamation point might be your only resource to convey your anger! The writing community generally considers the use of (!) as un-proffessional. Unless you are writing fiction, it looks stupid, and is a sign of a small vocabulary!
A state of anger has its own set of rules when dictated on the screen. You can call someone a "fuck-head", or an "ugly bitch" without getting slapped. Hitting shift + 1 only drives the point home even harder. You could type the word "boring", or "lethargic" and achieve greater excitement with an (!). Watch: Boring! Lethargic! It is truly a game changing punctuation mark.
As usual, I have some unsolicited advice for the (!) users. If you are using a conventional keyboard, and you are using multiple (!)'s, be careful. If you let go of the shift key before you are done slamming the "one" key, you will wind up with a confusing "1" at the end of your rant. That is a truly terrible way to end anything emotional. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
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