Who Am I Talking About?

There are people out there who know me, and those who do not. Who I am writing about doesn't really matter, unless you "find yourself" in it. My thoughts are subject to interpretation, and I generally don't have one person in mind when I concoct a recipe of words. I believe that there are issues common to all of us, and sometimes reading about those things helps others. I do not pretend to know who that is. I like to talk about the things that matter to me and my friends. I also prefer salty food over sweets. Some days I write a story that has nothing to do with anyone. Other days though, I use use real life situations to make a point, but I do not hurt animals in any of it.

With that said, there is a comment box at the bottom of everything I write. I am not afraid of criticism. If I was there would not be a comment box, and I would be writing in a paper journal instead of publishing this. Apparently, there are a trio of kids out there who take exception to some things I write. Two of them have had one very discreet paragraph written about them in two separate blogs, and now they think that I not only sit and think about them, they think I write about them consistently. Sorry kids; you must look the other way. The difference between 18 and 36 is huge. I don't expect them to know about sex, or money, or raising kids. I do have some experience in those areas, as most 30 somethings do, and I also like to point things out that might help. I was conceited at 18, but Facebook wasn't invented yet, so I wasn't reading a blog from some old guy, thinking it was about me.

Fame has nothing to do with this either. I am not well known. If I point out a trainwreck situation someone is in, it is for example. We are all trainwrecks sometimes, so thematically speaking, the situation is not unique. It is probably funny though; especially if you have good reading comprehension. So if you think I am calling you a "lady of the night", or a "closet gay", think twice, and make sure I would honor you by pointing those things out. These are not moral issues, they are personal issues. Everyone knows that there are hookers, and men who are afraid to be who they are because of some imaginary moral code they were taught. I can't fix that problem, but it breaks my heart to see the results and the impact it has on those around you.

One last thing: I don't use fb. If you have questions, or just want to argue with someone, don't inbox my wife. She doesn't have time to manage complaints on my blog, and generally has nothing to do with what I write. You are welcome to comment below, or e-mail me. redarrow415@gmail.com. Thank you in advance for directing your thoughts in the right direction.


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