Keep Your Eyes Open

While you were sleeping, events transpired that have changed some things in our world. Don't be alarmed that you missed it though; you have been given a gift. Before I tell you, I want to explain where you are, and the reason for this tent. We are living in a new place that requires us to move carefully through the cities. I tried to tell you for years that my work and research would lead us to this place, but you were sleeping and it all happened just like we said it would. The resistance that I am part of is the reason the sleeping are alive. We planned for it.

When one system fails, another must take it's place. Our place is still being built, but the resistance is great, and what was the central power is in a state of confusion. Only a fraction of their military keeps them alive; the rest, numbering close to 1.5 million have defected to the side of the citizens. We knew that a certain percentage of them would turn their backs on the chieftains, but when the last straw was pulled, the force was overwhelming; so were the weapons.

You may not remember when the stories started coming out about drone use, and the atrocities that "they" inflict. It started in the Middle East, moved to North Africa, then to North America. The news was ignored about how the borders are being patrolled, North and South. That's where it started. How it started was stated officially as "Homeland Security". From there, the patrols began encroaching ever closer to our interior. It was an easy thing to ignore; they were looking for terrorists and illegals, and they would never arm a drone that was flying over a city or suburb. Sadly it happened. We found out that they are all armed. The cameras alone are weapon enough against a society, nevermind the missles.

I hope you are hearing me well. You must shake your head and will your eyes open. I am going to tell you the part that has to do with you. By the time everyone found out about the first attack, over seventy-five more had happened around the country. We happened to be close to one of the strikes. Luckily my friends tipped me off. That call expedited the attack; they know as much as we do. They record our words, we hack their documents. Our house was actually the target's center. Apparently I had published certain words that added up to "domestic terrorist" on their calculators. The other attacks killed twelve of our greatest minds, and the civilian toll is still being worked on. There is much fear of more attacks, so most of our information is difficult to gather. It's hard to find recruits to count bodies when you tell them they might get blown up, and that I will not be there. It's a shame.

We obviously made it out, and everyone that answered my pounding on their door made it. I tried as hard as I could to tell everyone, but twenty houses were either vaporized or burning to the ground, and as many damaged very badly. That was the initial blast. The natural gas lines were spewing fire indiscriminately, catching fire to houses two blocks either way.

By the time that happened, we were still close enough to feel the heat. We were close enough for you to get hurt too. A brick from someone's house grazed your head, and you have been asleep since then. I was faced with a difficult choice; save my ass or save our neighbors, and I tried about thirty seconds too hard. I don't know who made it other than a few of our close neighbors. It is too risky for me to go out during the day.

You are going to need to rest for a few more days, but don't worry; I have a new place picked out where no drone can find us. It will take three or four days to get there, but when we do I think you'll like it. There are a few families that will be our new neighbors; I have only met a few of them in person. They are good people, and we can finally concentrate on the reconstruction together, in the same room. The nature of what a family is has changed. Our family is made up of everybody now. You could say the central power, "broke their own dividing machine". It's sad that we were divided at all because of them, and it is sad that it took this long for us to realize it. Things are looking up though, and we have a ton of work to do. As soon as you are ready to wake, we will start life on our terms, and turn this resistance into a renaissance.


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