No Titles

I was sitting in my usual writing spot today, bent on writing. I started to crank up my idea mill (no carbon footprint) but nothing came out. This is rare because there are so many things to write about. There is so much happening in this world that I can't see how anyone could run out of things to write. I was thinking about all of the needs that we have, and the needs that starving people have. I thought about writing a short essay on the mayor of Mobile, and how he is a bit of a dud. Hopefully he will lose the upcoming election. He was one of those guys who served in a previous administration that gave Mobile a new look, and basically set it up for what it is now, or could be. It was a case of riding the coattails of a great man who he happened to work with. When he was newly elected, there were some very worth while and overdue projects that came to fruition. He also built a $29 million cruise terminal with no contract from any cruise line. Carnival used Mobile Port for awhile then split. The city now owns an empty terminal, and a $29 million debt. He also spent $9,000 on a giant, glittery moon-pie that gets lowered from a tall building on holidays. wtf? Yeah, he needs to go now. He's become very tight lipped, and that isn't good for a politician. I also thought about my daughter's school. It is riddled with scandal and the whole city knows about it. It all has to do with sex. It sells, but it also causes fines and jail time if you are 27 and you are into 14 year olds. Other than that, the principal slept with multiple teachers, and is resigning before the residents of Semmes chase him out with pitchforks and shit. So I still couldn't think of anything to write. I started thinking about who might be reading what I might have thought up to write. I joke about having 4.5 readers, but it really hangs around the 6 still. I don't mean to brag, but that's a horde of individuals that I have to consider. There are two of them that I hardly know. They are friends of friends who sympathize my position I suppose. What can I write that all of them can relate to? What if I write something offensive on purpose? There are just so many options. One of the things I considered, was writing about how the Weather Channel names storms now. wtf? Snow and rain storms. The weather should take about fifteen seconds locally, and maybe two minutes nationally. I know there are millions of dupes that actually sit down with the intention of watching the weather channel, and I feel kind of sorry for them. It's pitiful. Same with the news; I'll give them thirty minutes to report the things that matter. After that, they are just stirring around in your idle brain. I thought to myself that the only time I sequester is when I lock my bedroom door and spend time with one other person. As far as Congress goes, they are in a constant state of sequestration. Frankly, they are like four monkeys fucking a football. I thought about what I want to grow this year. I live in Alabama, the state that is second to last in every bad statistic, so I can't grow herb yet. This state will surely be second to last where that is concerned. I am going to grow cucumbers, strawberries, and maybe beans. Growing is the easy part. Keeping my 65 pound Springer Spaniel out of the gardens will turn out to be an engineering wonder. I'm thinking about using heavy chicken wire and 2x4's. Then it has to have a gate that the kids cannot compromise. I might get an invisible fence as well. So anyway, I couldn't even think of a title today, so I decided not to publish anything today. Tomorrow will surely be better. I might come up with something ambitious enough to get seven or eight reads. Look out world.


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