What Information Do They Need?

The blessing and curse of the database. I have a database of people who need to be harrased. I also have one for people who need worse. Most of the information in government databases is inane, and most of us will never be bothered, unless you say something like; "Let's take the Pentagon by force." Even that is lost by the time it gets out there to the three people that read my blog.
   I'm going to canoe down the Rio Grande and cut holes in fences. I'm going to terrorize the dog pound until they stop the practice of the seven day euthanasia policy. I'm going to the county jail and bug them for the public records they are hiding. I'm going to get a big, dirty sock to gag our city council with. They are crooks and liars. I will write our Commie police chief a letter explaining how public record is not dictated by his boner for power. I will go ahead and tell the conservative media to piss off; you are all slanted at an obtuse angle that borders on chronic ignorance. The same goes for the Progressive agenda. They sold our alphabet to hucksters so they can make a buck. Has anyone else noticed this?
   Our Mayor bought a f#@%*ing $9,000 moon pie to attract visitors for Mardi Gras. He also had a $29 million cruise terminal built with no cruise ship contracts. That's $29 million sitting downtown doing nothing. He is a moron, and so is the city council. They are the most destructive force in our hillbilly city. Those are the local matters that irk me every time I hear about them. Very few people care because it rarely knocks on their front door.
   Now for the rest of the world. Iran: What's the difference between them having nukes and North Korea? I think it's because of fear that someone might pick on Israel; or at least it's death squad of a government. We can't have that. The US doesn't want anyone to pick on them either, because at some point we will remove our support because of the atrocities they commit on a daily basis; NOT! Israel is second to the USA in bully tactics and the dismantling of tiny, defenseless nations and organizations. They will even bulldoze settlements made of real humans. Sick people.
   Wake up Russia! Put your plans into action, we need a big bully to equalize this madness. China, march to the West and take what you have paid for! Pakistan, put your foot down and your flack cannons up; your sovreignty is as potent as ours. Petition the UN to keep the American Imperialists out of your airspace and neighborhoods. Quit letting the CIA kill your farmers and burn your poppy fields. The bribery should be seen for what it is. What if the tables were turned? How about some crop dusters kill our crops. How would the US respond to that?
   I can write those few notes down because of the care I have taken with my personal database. I am keeping score. I am at peace with myself, and at the same time I am angered by the absolute swallowers that occupy my city and beyond. My neighborhood in suburbia looks abandoned because they all have big high def. tv's tuned in to fux news. I could knock on two hundred doors and half of them won't answer. That is pathetic. Fear. Hate. Information.


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