No Repeal
If I were to approach you and insist that the key to our survival depended on burning your city to the ground, would you start a few fires? While the flames are destroying businesses, transportation hubs and parks, you would surely feel like you had done something horribly wrong; even if you refused to speak against it. When I began to see the horde turning their gaze toward me, and I felt my popularity waning, I would have two options. I could either abandon my post or come up with a new strategy. The best political option would be to repeal the burn order, and create a patriotic fire swamping party. Now, even though the fire was my idea, I would become an American hero for putting it out. That scenario has been played out in Washington many times. Why not capitalize on a crisis of their own making? The term "repeal" is generally reserved for lawmakers, but it seems the time has come for the citizenry to put this philosophy into practice. I am a firm believer in operating ...