Freedom In The Mirror

Mirrors are indispensable. They show us what we look like, and more importantly, they are a tool for us to inspect who we want to be. When I look in the mirror, I usually observe how quickly my boyhood is fading. I wonder why time is out-pacing me, and all of the events that have taken me to this point. I have always wanted to be older, simply because the older you are, the more people listen. Wisdom should come with age, and since I was a little boy I have yearned for the respect that comes with it. I know now that wishing my childhood away, and cursing my youth wasn't a true reflection of who I have become.

My childhood was extraordinary, but there was always something in the back of my mind telling me that something had to be said. The conflict between being a child and knowing that no one would give any credence to my words was tough. It's funny though; I had no idea what I needed to say.

It took thirty years for me to even begin to force my mouth open to speak. My voice is small, and it is only one of millions, but my intention is to use it in a way that will out-pace time. My voice is an echo, or a reflection of the people who taught me to speak out. I have seen their victories and their failures. It is now my responsibility to teach my children to speak out. I have refined what I have been taught, and hopefully my philosophy and convictions will be reflected through them. That is my priority.

Freedom is always at my center. Being an American, I have led the life of my choosing so far. There are so many of us complaining that our freedom is limited, but I think a quick overview of the rest of the world shows a different reflection. If one of these disgruntled Americans was able to unplug from politics and governments and money, and take a look around, they would see a blinding difference in the way others define freedom.

Confusing opportunity with freedom must be to blame for this spoiled brat attitude. No matter where you live, freedom should never have to be granted. There is some confusion as to whether or not money equals freedom here in the States, which is understandable. Nearly everything we see is meant to keep us craving more.The problem is the thinking that not being able to have material possessions is somehow limiting your freedom, while others can have whatever they want. That is not freedom. That has to do with opportunity, and since we live in a quasi-capitalist country, you are free to earn what you want within that frame-work. Very few of us will ever capitalize on the opportunities that are staring us down, taunting us to grab them and soak them for everything they are worth. Why? Our mirrors are dirty, and the distorted images we are seeing don't look like opportunities, they look like road-blocks.

As of late, our central governors have given us the impression that they are protecting our freedom through martial law and spy bills.I hate to be the one to say this, but we have been tapping private citizens since the first humans were able to stand on two feet. We are curious creatures, and the ability to know what people are doing does not negate individual freedom. Reference: Telegraph, Television, Media, Internet, Two cans and a string, Whistles... From here, it looks like criminals are the ones' who should be worried about freedom. I am not suggesting that government spies are acceptable in our homes, but what is really being lost? If you feel your freedom being choked, call the power and phone company and disconnect. A satellite should only be able to see your roof if you are off the grid, so unless you go outside, you should feel your freedom return. Most of us are of no use to the government beyond our dues anyway.

What about The Bill Of Rights? The people that are "spying on you and taking your freedom away" are the same people that wrote those "rights". If anyone thinks any right is inalienable because of that document, they are slaves to those documents. Our freedom cannot be spelled out and given to us in the form of parchment, stone tablets, propaganda leaflets, or any other printed media. Personal freedom is a choice. Feeling imprisoned by anything is not the fault of the government yet. Even the most hopeless nations on Earth are finding freedom. They are creating and sharing their art despite being surrounded by rubble and war. A very wise friend of mine sent me an article that is proof of the freedom residing in the human spirit. Read it here. Thank you Mrs. A.

For now, though tragedies will still happen, enjoy your freedom. Learn how to appreciate the air you are breathing. Enjoy looking at yourself in the mirror, even if it is showing you how time is mocking you. Play like kids. Our lives are not subject to Congress or the money we don't have. In the meantime, I will be reflecting what I know of freedom back into the world. Happy Earth Day!


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