What Is Anarchadia?

I have been following an organization named "Anarchadia" for some time now, and the information they are sharing is invaluable. Anarchism is generally not synonymous with cool heads, and I had my suspicions. I wanted to know more, so I was granted an interview with the intrepid leader who frequently steps over the line of what we are allowed to say. His words are censored, his facebook page disappears from time to time, and I think this is a problem. It is a blatant over-reach of the powers that be, as he is not saying anything that we shouldn't already know about our government. Somehow his insight is different from the conspiracy theorists...

1. What is Anarchadia, and where can it be found?

Anarchadia is a non-profit which originally started as just unspinning mainstream misinformation (tailored by well paid spin doctors working for government and corporate interests, not the general public's), and was started originally just as a blog in Lyon, France, the birthplace of anarchist revolutions since Mikhail Bakunin. But since the censorship started affecting us heavily in 2011, we've had to adapt to the times, and become an underground beacon against government/corporate censorship, which greatly affected our work as anti-war activists.

2. What was Anarchadia born of?

Frustration and anger for the lack of humility by global elites, and their blind greed which ruins millions of lives every generation, for the sole purpose of personal short-term profit.

3. What is Anarchadia's goal?

Global equality and prosperity for all and not just a few

4. What about censorship? How has it affected your progress or audience?

It really just stalls millions of anti-war activists and their movements, for the sole purpose of more mass killing, in our name and with OUR tax dollars no less.

5. Concerning the 1st Ammendment, has Anarchadia said or done anything that would be considered an infringement by the US government?

Nope, not anymore than a latest Quentin Tarantino movie or war propaganda movies like "Saving Private Ryan" and "Pearl Harbor" or even "Captain America". I mean if you want to talk about dangerous rhetoric veiled in a bunch of Hollywood phony smiles and bad taste.

6. Do you believe that the US could fall into active revolution in the near future? If so, will Anarchadia take an active roll in seeing that it is carried out correctly?

The global elite funds all sides of everything and manipulates the outcome. If America or any other country has a revolution, it is very important that we do not allow 1% of the richest people on this planet to modify the outcome with false patriotism or even barbarism. It is very important that people realize during a revolution that the enemy is the state and financial elites, not their own people. It should be think before you kill, not kill before you think. And anarcho-capitalists working covertly for IMF corporate interests are plotting a revolution to mislead Americans, and make them corporate slaves again. Squares as we called them in the 50's and 60's. The guys who who went and fought the Korean War.

7. Having an anarchist philosophy comes with risks. How will average, non-activist citizens survive in an environment of real anarchy?

Anarchy is like dropping a rock on a person's foot. If that person is free, they will throw the rock at the person who did it. And from there people learn to stop throwing rocks. Because they think, ok... the first guy now has a broken foot and the other has a big bump on the back of the head, I don't want either. Natural social conditioning is very important. I do not believe we need to brainwash people to make them better, you only need to brainwash people in order to keep throwing rocks on their feet. I've never fought in a war, but I've seen the outcome of poor innocent souls who have to know how important it is to be against war, so maybe I can save a few soldiers from such terrible outcomes. After all they could have been me. I am a human after all.

8. Does Anarchadia support or encourage activism beyond the normal sit-ins and peaceful demonstrations?

The U.S Government has killed more people than all the protests in history, I'm sure all of us need nothing more than peace by now. Enough killing. We wouldn't all be violent if it wasn't for the governments and elites themselves censoring us.

9. Your website posts news stories that the mainstream media considers "on the fringes". Do you believe that the underground media is becoming the new media? (blogging, facebook, websites)

Media in my opinion implies a need to brainwash people, I think what we need is open access and leaderless control of everything. The internet in a sense is replacing Media, in the old sense, and it has become more of a forum for open sourcing everything. Although governments and corporations are doing a very good job at using the internet against us, and preventing that from occuring.

10. What's next for Anarchadia? What will sustain your activism beyond the actions you have taken to date?

I don't know I play things by ear. It really depends on the people, I'm just another messenger in a crowded room.

Anarchadia can be found on facebook (most of the time), and also on their website; anarchadia.com. Give them a "like". I highly recommend a thorough read-through of the content, as it is both true, and you will have a hard time finding an honest news source by people who are not out for personal promotion or money. If you are the type who would rather let other people move forward, you should check it out as well. Media as we know it is evolving rapidly, and the process will be so much more smooth if we will all realize that. I suggest turning off the tv, and getting your money's worth out of your internet. Like Anarchadia said, we are messengers in a crowded room.


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