CISPA: Security Patch For Martial Law

The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (H.R. 624) has many Americans worried. Probably not enough though. Because of our vast freedom and seemingly unlimited rights, this bill could easily be passed over. I hear people asking, "How did they pass something like this?" Well first, bills are passed constantly because that is what Congress does. They are referred to as "The Legislative Branch". (In the US we learn this before high school)

"CISPA", as it is being called is simply a provision that enables our great protectors to protect us against all sorts of evil. Here is what I found to be the crux, or the implied crux of what the bill is trying to say:

Page 10 - line 5-24

"Federal Government in accordance with subsection (b)-
(A) for cyber security purposes;
(B) for the investigation and prosecution of cyber security crimes
(C) for the protection of individuals from the danger of death or serious bodily harm and the investigation and prosecution of crimes involving such danger of death or serious bodily harm;
(D) for the protection of minors from child pornography, any risk of sexual exploitation, and serious threats to the physical safety of minors, including kidnapping and trafficking and the investigation and prosecution of crimes involving child pornography, any risk of sexual exploitation, and serious threats to the physical safety of minors, including kidnapping and trafficking, and any crime referred to in Section 2258A(a)(2) of title 18, United States Code; or to protect the national security of the United States.

In a nutshell, the geniuses of DC have somehow made a correlation between kiddie porn and national security. Actually, between the legal speak and run-on sentences, this bill allows them to do as they please, which is not new, and the kiddie porn part is for those of us who live in fear for childrens' safety. In my experience, my kids are best protected by me, and the innate sense I posess as a father. Thanks anyway guys.

The safety of children is important, but in this case it is static, drowning out what the bill means. "National Security". A great example of this is happening as we speak. The feds are acting out martial law in Boston. The most disgusting part is that they are hunting one man. Forget the internet spies; this stunt is taking us into a new era of government abuse.

The only threat to our safety are the propagators of filth like CISPA and the nearly two million man military force that could invade our shores at their choosing. I have read about things like this, and it has not only happened multiple times in history, it is very likely. When did American citizens become a threat to our government? Is public education coming back to bite them in the ass? Whatever the case, the fear they project is designed to land on us like a virus. With so many infections, they are now being allowed to pull off a full military style occupation of one of my favorite cities. I have seen many manhunts in my day, and not one of them required anything more than dogs, shotguns, and boots on the ground; police boots.

I intended to summarize in this paragraph, but there is no way to summarize something that is going on as I write. As a believer in odds, and being a pessimist by nature, I will say that the odds of this bill, and the martial law exercise in Boston waking anyone up are grim. We are being tread upon daily, and it is all public information. Every shitty bill they propose or pass can easily be found on the internet; for now. This is no longer a conspiracy theory. They only want to instill enough fear in you to keep you indoors, doors locked, watching the television. Johnny says, "Happy hunting!"

*CISPA has passed in the House, and is awaiting a Senate vote. It is not law yet. Please help reject this bill. We are the ones representing ourselves at this point, and they have no laws to abide by. You are within your rights when you tell them NO!


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