Conspiracies And Secrets

Now that journalists and filmakers aren't the only lens through which we view the world; conspiracies abound. I believe it to be simple enough to spin a semi-believable tale, write it down, and throw it out into the world for people to think on. It really amounts to no more than a television show. The subtle difference is that it might be true. It will be forever debated, and we should practice caution when considering activism.

There are stories that I have been told, and have been sucked into, that seem plausible enough to spend a few minutes rationalizing a way to make it true. A rational approach doesn't always reap the truth, and that is where we must rely on our imaginations. Our imaginations are what fill in the blanks when the "real" elements of a conspiracy are exhausted. Once this happens, we find ourselves in a world of fiction. There is a huge market for fiction, so not all is lost.

I used to wonder why the DC auctioneers were so tight-lipped about certain events. From JFK to 9/11, their wars, and how they "win" every single time. The average citizen cannot have a record like that; even killers are squeezed for every drop of information about his killing and even into his psyche in an attempt to learn why he is a killer. Non-violent citizens are under no less scrutiny than killers. We get all kinds of lurkers. The IRS (not a government agency) can tap any one of us to find out if we are on the up-and-up. The Patriot Act also ensured a direct line into our personal lives, and they do it at will, without cause. That is a bit conspiratorial as no one really knows when they are being tapped or babysat on the internet.

Creating a police state in America is a crippled attempt at Communism. That sort of regime should be isolated to the right-wing wet dreamers. A true Communist state must be founded by the people, and not designed by the snakes that govern us. No worries where that is concerned. We simply lack the numbers to change the current state of Washington. Personal note: I don't want my little girls to walk past a power tripping gun toter everyday in elementary school. We have to keep what we have, and quit giving them ground we have already won. If only...

So how do we file these conspiracies? We must write them off as secrets. Secrets hide the things that someone deems too sensitive for us to know. It seems unfair, but such is life. I have run into dead ends at every turn while researching believable conspiracies. There is a corral that we cannot escape where information is concerned. Even if Michael Moore shows ample evidence in his films, they are still subject to those rules. He, like others, skate the line of truth to the dismay of the powers. At the end of the day, if we cannot get to the bottom of something, it is by design, and it is a secret.

The next time you are faced with an entertaining conspiracy, go into it knowing that you will most likely become confused when you consistently reach dead ends. Some secrets will never be told, and there are far more worthy causes in which the facts are there, begging for notice. There is a wealth of knowledge to be found in books. Reading history, political science, and even economics are a good start. There are many credible authors out there, and we learn the most from history. Even journalism is a rush to report the past. If we could unify under the flag of our differences, and quit trying to untie the past through events, we might be able to break the cycle of history repeating.

Photo credit: Whiteowlconspiracies


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