No Repeal

If I were to approach you and insist that the key to our survival depended on burning your city to the ground, would you start a few fires? While the flames are destroying businesses, transportation hubs and parks, you would surely feel like you had done something horribly wrong; even if you refused to speak against it. When I began to see the horde turning their gaze toward me, and I felt my popularity waning, I would have two options. I could either abandon my post or come up with a new strategy. The best political option would be to repeal the burn order, and create a patriotic fire swamping party. Now, even though the fire was my idea, I would become an American hero for putting it out.

That scenario has been played out in Washington many times. Why not capitalize on a crisis of their own making? The term "repeal" is generally reserved for lawmakers, but it seems the time has come for the citizenry to put this philosophy into practice. I am a firm believer in operating within the structure that is already in place versus re-inventing the wheel. This applies to both the government and the media. Innovation is far more effective than trying to create something new. Think of it as learning the rules of the game they are playing.

We have to realize that dissolving our freedom needs to be repealed first. We are not being granted more freedom; we are being stripped of it because we are letting them. Our individual culture is evaporating at their hands as well. Elections are great, but it seems there is an invisible force preventing any real representation from happening. We are all being sucked into the imperial fascist activity of this monster of a government, yet we remain silent. We are no longer dictating what's best for all of us. We are sliding toward a nanny state where dependence on the feds is becoming a prerequisite for survival. This has never appealed to me, and the rest of us should be planning our next moves where this is concerned. It is no longer an issue of left and right; we have been divided against each other based on individual preference, which never should have been political issues -by design. The current ruling class could not get away with any of this under a unified people.

Maybe we can see this for what it is and at least slow their frenetic pace toward a society of drones who live in fear of the next charismatic dictatorship. They have wrought enough destruction; from our food and water, to our kids' education, to the expropriation of our property. It is no longer working to our benefit. If there is to be real hope, something must change. It is high time we find our voices.


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