Spitting Wood Screws

I quit using cliche' in my writing. Though it is always familiar to the reader, it is trite and easy to read over. Not to mention, it wreaks of a novice. I am a novice, but I love to pretend that I am some prolific writer, waiting to blow the world away with volumes of literature that will become classics while I am still alive.

I don't know when I will unleash my greatness in real life. I am focused on the top, where the greats, and accidental greats sit. The world I am crawling into is crowded with boys and girls like me; we just want to be amazing. The problem with this is the writers that actually make it there are stingy and they would rather corral the kids within the kennels that are our notebooks and blogs. We all do the same thing; idea, outline, character profiles, free writing, deleting, re-writing, re-outlining, trashing it, then starting over -sometimes. I have quit on my novel many times because I lack the instinctual arrogance of a great writer. Some days I read it and gag. The days that I read something good, I am propelled back into my pretend world of greatness.

I have said before that the writing industry is intimidating, and I still think that. The time it takes to garner a "like" on my Wordpress blog, or a comment on this blog seems eternal. I think there is a governing body within the industry that is shaped and operated like our government. They must be the ones keeping us down, resigned to blogs that amount to nothing more than practice.

What they don't know is that I have a stockpile of words. I'll use them when I am ready to pounce. My stories will be like pointy, wide threaded wood screws. I will spit them instead of the more common nail. That way they will stay in place longer. When the writing industry swells, the nails work their way out, and that is no way to stay on top. When I spit, my words will stick.

So for all of the deadbeats out there that feel nothing, think nothing, or simply don't care; it's fine. A comment on a blog helps, but no one can comment on the writings that I am keeping until the time comes. Until then, I will remain in my kennel where I belong. If you made it this far, thanks. There is more to come, and it might be light-hearted, or not.


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