Anonymous: Selling Out FBI Style

Apparently, the hacktivists around the world are easily bought. It isn't hard when your other option is prison. America's cornerstone spy agency has some very effective recruiting techniques. Military recruiters look like snake oil salesmen next to the bureau's tactics. Hopefully our armed forces will not begin recruiting with threats like this. Recruiters of branch military use criminals every day, because they line up with the ancient philosophy of the lowest, most uneducated class of society being the most easily marched into certain death as a condition of "opportunity" and free college. It is really a genius plan, as uneducated soldiers seldom use the G.I. bill to better themselves for the red tape. If education was never encouraged in the home, there really is no incentive to take in knowledge.

I heard today that 25% of "Anons" are in cahoots with the FBI. I have had mixed suspicions and concerns about the group since I first heard of them. They have the appearance of a unified group (they might well be), but it can't be possible. First, human nature and ambition are not conducive to unity; especially an underground group with widespread notoriety. Inevitably, one will jump out and declare himself or herself the source of all causes under the Anonymous flag. What might that person's cause be?

So far, the only direct effect for me has been good statistics here on this blog. The difference between me and them is that I don't have the need or ability to hack. The other is that I can't even drug myself enough to see the good in accessing government files. I have a pretty good idea about what governments are doing; killing, stealing, and destroying. Is that not enough to go on?

What would I find if I gained access to DOD documents? More imperialism, more destruction, and more death of civilians. Oh, and also their ridiculous budget. Stealing this crap is as benign as flexing your muscles on the beach. People only shake their heads or laugh.

What about sinking to their level? Stealing from thieves won't net anything positive, it will only tighten the noose around the necks of US citizens. As if the Patriot Act wasn't enough. What if I want to talk about sex on the phone with my wife? They don't deserve to know what it's like in my bedroom. Plus, if they keep fucking with corporations -evil as they may be- I might not even have the ability to talk about torrid sex on the phone. I am also a shoe whore, so don't hack Adidas please. How could anyone stand the loss of hemp Sambas?

Anonymous, while I appreciate the blog traffic, and deeply appreciate activism, please make sure that your targets reap something lasting and beneficial to tech-tards like me. I am trying to build a writing career, and the internet (provided by the same corporations you are using) is my life-blood. To the anons that I have had personal contact with; make sure your friends don't sell out to the man. Have a meeting, and figure out something that works. So far nothing has changed, and it is beginning to look like another form of entertainment.

"Expect us"

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