Belief = _______

It's Friday, so I decided to keep it light* and stray from the norm, which is terribly erratic, and talk about belief. I am tired of belief. It is the most subjective and relative force driving people to think stupid shit. If you believe someone is going to perform magic and fix all of the problems you believe in, please stop. No one really cares what you believe. While you are telling them what you believe, they are busy thinking about what they believe. Most of us lack the ability to listen and observe, so I will sit in disbelief until something changes.

Humans fit in to many categories where belief is concerned. We have the scourge of pastoral puppet masters dictating millions of peoples' beliefs from behind pulpits. The best part is that you have to buy your beliefs from that person. Next we have the fox news drones. This is a great propagator of fear and slant; yet they garner the best ratings. I can't think of a network that has more blind followers than they do. People actually base their beliefs on the ticker and whatever douche nugget is preaching the headlines. Again I sit in disbelief that there is any sort of loyalty to a crappy news outlet. Believe it or not, it's the commercials that keep them running. If more of us could discipline ourselves to not order pizza at ten-thirty at night, or whatever they show, they wouldn't be able to lull so many into watching the circus. Short skirts and large breasts are certainly a draw for men, but there are other, less annoying and less sexist ways to see that (like, say, your wife). The media has taught us all that sex sells, and they have made sure that you believe it.

How about the great American patriot? How can anyone believe that there is such a thing after watching fox news shred what they believe to be their opposition? What is American culture aside from the television? It certainly is not yankee fucking doodle, bringing you the poor and downtrodden. I don't believe that there is anything to believe in where our government is concerned. Does anyone believe that America has been sliding off into left feild for over a century? Oh, you would have to purposely look at multiple points of view to see that, and if you believe that is going to happen, shame to you.

There is also a belief that crime will visit at any time. This is another by-product of the news. Unless you live in a dangerous neighborhood, the likelyhood of a random break-in is not worth believing in. Segue... Do you believe in your guns? Do you believe that you are stronger or safer because you pack heat? You shouldn't; violence breeds violence, and if it comes to gun-fire, you will probably miss the target and die. Sometimes the god you believe in is busy with real problems, and that alone can get you killed.

If any of us believe anything, but refuse to act on that belief, it is of no use. Like that saying said, you are falling for everything even though you believe in so many things. I don't believe in sayings, so I reserve the right to change them. I learned that from all of the great statesmen and journalists. With that said, I think everyone should believe in Fridays being the official day of disbelief. That way you can go out tonight and get plastered without the guilt or fear of all the mis-information/belief floating around in your melon. Happy Friday dis-believers!

*That was not true because I don't believe in being lighthearted.


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