He's Voting Yes

"The FBI either "missed a lot of things" in its investigation of one of the Boston bombing suspects, or federal laws did not allow the FBI to "follow up in a sound, solid way," Sen. Lindsey Graham said Sunday." - Exerpt from an article on CNN.com

Did anyone catch that? It sounds like he was telling us that he, a government cog, thinks that the FBI might be under oppressive laws. He seems to think these laws could potentially be the cause of the bombs. Well Lindsey, so far in human history, there have been people who purposely avoid the consequences of breaking the law. Your law farm is producing nothing but paperwork and none of you have enough paper to catch everything before it happens; though you have a suspiciously good record of showing up before-hand. Why don't you come out again and be honest with us. I'll even tell you what to say: "I am voting 'yes' on CISPA." That's it.  You have 24 hours to think about it, then I'm going to have another episode bad enough to make me look at CNN and check up on you. Don't worry about your privacy; I don't want to know.

*The article mentioned above was found while conducting an experiment concerning mainstream media's coverage of the Anonymous ordered internet blackout. Lindsey and his law boner were the first result of my search query entitled, "Anonymous".


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