Paul Kevin Curtis: Letters To The Editors

I'm sure this story is well covered, but I have to weigh in anyway. My motivation is to demonstrate how stupidity and activism do not mix. I will even throw some do's and dont's in for the would be activist. From the stories that are now yesterday's news, I garnered a few clues as to why this man's plan of sending poisoned letters to the President, and a (this was a clue for the FBI) Senator from Curtis' home state of Mississippi was thwarted.

First, we have to address the fact that we do not live in Mayberry anymore. A short trip outside of Mississippi's borders will prove that to be true. There have been multiple attempts at poisoning the elected, dating back to 2001. First it was anthrax, then ricin -circa 2004. Our perp made his first mistake when he thought letters sent to the White House, or Congress went straight to the recipient. There are thousands of worker bees screening mail from hicks like you Paul. So far, since 2001, anthrax has killed five, and seventeen were infected, but were non-lethal. Ricin, since 2004 has killed zero. These types of packages are seen two to three times a week...

Now for the letters. The body of the letter was both simple and plagiarized; "To see wrong and not expose it, is to become a silent partner to its continuance". The quote originated from a chiropractor in Texas, and subsequently went viral. He has no copyright, just a great quote. Paul, your music career is not only over, you never would have made it; art is supposed to be original. The letter was signed, and well coded, "I am KC and I approve this message". What? Do you secretly want to be one of them, but know that you are too ignorant to even organize castor beans into something lethal? In the book of Johnny, you get the highest possible douche score.

The comedy: Paul's conspiracies are far-flung and reek of stupidity. The "big one" was that he found a refrigerator full of organs and body parts, and thought they were trafficking these items. The problem was that he was in a hospital morgue, working as a janitor. My favorite conspiracy of his is when he tried to expose corruption in Elvis impersonation contests. (douche score rising). As stupid as he is, at least he was doing something. That is more than most, though horribly mis-guided.

The lesson to be learned here is this: If something makes you mad enough to act, make sure you do your research. If you are illiterate, have someone help you. Next, don't try to kill our elected. I agree that they are running a backward-ride carnival up there, but death is not the answer; they merely need to come back down to Earth. The next time you plot something, know first that it is not a conspiracy, second, know that someone has already thought about what you plan.

Sources (most of them) :


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