Walking Into Martyrdom

"What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it's natural manure." -Thomas Jefferson
If the quotes from men like Jefferson hadn't been so terribly misunderstood, we might see that he was not talking from the standpoint of a government official. A popular army, nor any central government will ever be martyrs.
Martyrdom is not reserved for the famous or the politician or the religious. It is also not reserved by death. There are many degrees of martyrdom; some are willing to die for what they believe to be true, and others believe they cannot die for believing lies. Still others throw themselves in the way of forces far too potent for their wit and intellect, without knowing what they are standing for.
"While I do not suggest that humanity will ever be able to dispense with its martyrs, I cannot avoid the suspicion that with a little more thought and a little less belief their number may be substantially reduced."  -John B.S. Haldane - instrumental in developing neo-Darwinian thinking, Geneticist, Evolutionary Biologist
Most of us should view this as a warning against joining a movement without knowing it's inherent dangers. Whether you have a bone to pick with your neighbor, or if you want to expose media outlets as frauds, or even pick a fight with your government, you must first circumvent their intelligence. Next, your cause must be well defined, and well organized. To win a battle against a greater force takes cunning, and finesse. I recommend reading up on guerilla tactics, whether for a paper or electronic war, or open revolution. America was won in this manner, and is superior to all other forms of military action. Though this method is not specific to violence, the philosophy brings a sort of inevitability toward bloodshed.
The failed causes of late, and the intentional "martyrs" who fueled them should serve as examples for the would be activist. Spitting in a police officer's face and calling him four-letter names in order to be arrested does not make you a martyr for any cause. If you spit on me and call me nasty names, my position in society and your rights evaporate, and I would hurt you. All you are doing is getting attention. If that is what you seek, go to the nearest emergency room and tell them you want to kill yourself.
There are plenty of battles to choose from. Pick one that you believe in, but wait to act until you have what it takes to have a fighting chance. Remember, there is always someone smarter and faster than you. Don't make the mistake of rushing in wild west style; you will either be met by silence or an overwhelming force. There is a fine line between a martyr and a fool, and the more of us that force martyrdom upon ourselves, the harder it will be for those who actually take the time to think. If not, move out of the way.
"Know your enemy!" -Zach de la Rocha
Photo courtesy of: www.askthejudge.info Thank you Judge Tom


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