Alphabet Soup, Words, and Dictators

   Unfortunately, I retired from eating things that come in cans. The over-processing and chemical additives have made it inedible. I have eaten many cans of soup in my day though. My favorite soup to look at is "vegetable" soup. The letters always fascinated me as a child, and though the chance was remote, I always peered into my bowl, hoping a word would appear. As I grew, I found the famous, fortune telling magic eight ball. It gives a response every time, even when it blows you off. Even though I was taught that this toy was satanic, I felt like there was more substance to the ball than there was in the teaching that I recieved; at least it's magic was reliable. Also, if a word had ever appeared in my bowl it would have meant so much more.
   Meanwhile, there are decisions being made every day that you are probably not seeing. It may be that you are peering into your alphabet soup, waiting for a word to appear. The bad news is that every bite you take leaves you with less possibilities. The name for that is "consumerism". Yes, while you are trying to make sense of a bowl of soup, someone is cooking up something far less palatable. They are throwing putrid bread at you. They are throwing rotten, poisoned meat at you in the hopes of keeping you distracted. They are giving you despicable things to squabble about while they carry out their grand plans.
   Look at today's headlines. They want you to believe that Article 22 of the Constitution has a chance of being repealed. *laughing* They want you to believe that your guns will be stolen away from you any day now. They are even giving Mike "Hucksterbee" some air time about why Obama hired too many white guys to high positions. Who gives a shit? Mike is a simple case of a jealous cracker. His preacher better ask him to "check his salvation, sometimes it doesn't take." Wait, he is a preacher.
   Does any of that matter, or are they just threatening to flush a live goldfish? It's all in the words they give you. When politics are involved, the stories have been dictated for you. If you look closely enough, the people repeating press releases know exactly how far to push us without pushing us to do something about it. The sheer volume of headlines are too much to process, as they come to us in rapid succession. The sum total of news is millions of people uptight and frustrated to the point of snorting their xanax. :O
   As for an American dictator or king; another distraction. If that happens in my kids' lifetime I will be shocked. Unless... There are hundreds of proposals as inocuous as the Article 22 thing. There are stupid agendas all over this land, and so very few of them are given notice. I know for sure that the right wing media has been calling the president "King Obama" since he was elected -the first time. :0
   By the end of the day, most of us will be exhausted enough to watch tv. Some will be so exhausted that they will tire of their newsfeeds. Some of us will look forward to the time in the day that we allow ourselves to quit thinking about money. The news and the bills will wake up with you in the morning and very little else will have changed. Be careful what dictates your life; too much of anything but love will become your own personal dictatorship.


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