Wayne LaPierre, Please...

   Once again, Wayne has spoken out and failed in delivering his ridiculous criticism of the President. First off, like him or not, the inauguration of a US President is not only an American cornerstone, it is the expression of the voices that make it possible. While in a meeting of a group that thinks like he does, he complained about a few sentences that the president made in his inauguration speech. (the group was probably legitamate before he showed up) I am going to skip the particulars because it can be found on any news source.
   The line from Obama was, "We cannot mistake absolutism for principle." This is true unless you are talking mathematics. Wayne decided this was offensive, and then he started messing up when he opened his mouth, "Absolutes do exist; it's the basis of all civilization." Well Wayne, we already know you are an ass with lips, so I will try to help you out. First of all, absolutism is as slippery as a river rock. The interpretation you are using is based on a beautifully written, and spoken speech from our Commander in Chief who knows that absolutism is not the basis of civilization; it is communism. So far, that system of absolutes has been a miserable failure, and very deadly at that. Commies use guns to execute civilization.
   In your world, there are two dimensions; locked and loaded. How could you, or your armed handlers not talk about how to criticize a president using the absolutist mentality before you spoke about it? Do you really think there are absolutes beyond judgemental religion or math? If Obama's line translated into gun control, you are actually the one that is not only conceited, but you are also missing what he said. You are the only one who thinks that quote was a crack at your princlpe; principle, principle. Even if he was talking about gun control, shut up. You have to do better than that. Find a "moral high-ground" mis-step or something else meaningful; you might learn something about it from your moral low road. You obviously lack the intellect to differentiate between gun control and gun's control. Go hunting, and quit thinking about killing humans. Rabbits make great stew.
   The next tank of an arguement came in the form of quoting  Supreme Court Justice, Hugo Black. (1930's) They unanimously ruled in favor of gun control. (United States v. Miller). Oh wait, it wasn't absolute. It was actually a murky ruling that can be interpreted in many ways. Dammit, foiled again. Go organize the militia in your head. They seem to be made up of mostly tubby rejects that would not stand a chance in the actual military. In the South, they are called "Four star rednecks", or simply, "hillbillies". I think they better fit the description of domestic terrorists.
   This leads me to my final -hollow- point. I can only conclude that you and your buddies are suffering from lead poisoning. That bullet you play with in your pocket enters your bloodstream, and it is rumored to be the cause of the insanity, and eventual crumbling of the Roman Empire. Men with their hands in their pockets are supposed to play pocket pool, and a bullet next to, nevermind. You are a gross misrepresentation of the people you represent, and you are as guilty as any politician where bullshit is concerned. Please demote yourself and spare us from your militant ignorance. Remember, you only have four million followers, and most of them are mostly inactive; sort of like Americans in general. I might even join your group of Communists so I can burn the stupid card you send me. You are a national embarrassment, please go away and shoot vermin with Ted Nugent.


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