How Perfect I Am

   I'm pretty sure that if you have ever read anything I have written, you have gotten the impression that I think I know everything, and pretty much land on the side of perfect. I might give the impression that I know more than you, am qualified to give advice, and that I cannot be challenged on anything I write. Some of you may think my words are judgemental, cynical, maybe even angry. One guy that I do not know gave a scathing, dare I say 'vitriolic' review of a blog I wrote yesterday. If that guy is reading this, I have to say that if Wayne LaPierre opens his mouth on a national stage, I will write about it and yes, he makes me want to spit. He makes me want to call him names. Isn't that what we do in America? Don't we want to grill people that say ignorant things in front of the whole world? Thank you sir for your opinion. Hopefully you will begin writing two or three blogs a day without editing all day, and work on a novel in between. That would be a constructive way for you to give more thorough reviews.
   Well, I have to defend my imperfections. I have read many books; books about political science, history, war, and a handful of literary fiction, and of course many classics. I haven't read all the books though, so I am confined to what I have studied when I write. Sometimes I color outside of those lines though, and I know that can be dangerous for a writer. My arrogance alone can win arguements, but my arrogance alone can cause trouble.
   There is a difference between creative writing and journalism. I am generally writing from the perspective of a creative writer even when I am writing about a current event. I don't twist news stories though. This is another imperfection where journalism is concerned. I use the facts of a story to make my opinion, then write in whatever direction I want. I entertain myself. I am completely guilty of disregarding the opinions of the six people who read my crap from day to day.
   I am guilty of muck raking. I love to point out government overreach. I am not afraid to call the President a liar, just as I am not afraid to vote for the same man. Anarchism has been popular on facebook lately, and I am guilty of writing things that they like. I am not an anarchist, but sometimes I get full of myself and write "pop songs", so to speak. Every musician has a pop song; that's how you get noticed. Duh.
   When I was in school, I wrote one draft and made two copies of it; a rough draft, and a final draft. That could almost be considered criminal, if not an imperfection. I still do it on short pieces like a blog. How much editing is really needed here? I'm not being graded that I know of.
   Now for the real imperfections. I am terribly moody. Some days I would rather lock myself in a room than go outside. I would prefer to be alone most of the time. I would rather write than talk to someone. Some days I don't even want to pet my dog. Some days, I turn on the people that love me, and this is a great way to say that the love is not mutual. I go months sometimes without talking to or seeing my parents and sisters. Two of my sisters live elsewhere, one lives five miles away. My parents live across the bay, and I rarely want to drive for forty-five minutes to see them. I complain about dumb shit, like why it is that there is never a matching pair of socks for my girls to wear to school. It irritates me when we find a pair for both of them at the last minute. The traces of OCD in me don't like to deviate more than two or three minutes from when it is time to go.
   In conclusion, I will say that I am sinfully and scandalously imperfect. Every time I sit down to write, I carry all of those imperfections "all over the map", and sometimes it might be "incoherent". No matter what though, I will keep writing blogs as a warm-up for my real work. I hope that something good will come of it for all six of you. (seven if that stranger reads again) I love to watch my statistics, and you wouldn't belive how much I know about who is reading. Thanks blogger. You never give me any shit, just numbers, maps, browser types, traffic sources, and a refresh button separate from my browser's refresh button. Happy Thursday!


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