Obama; Revelation or Revolution?

   Welcome to the war Mr. President. I know your tail feathers are still on full display after the party we threw for you, but you need to put the champagne away. I heard you say many things in your address, but so far the only people that actually pull off the stunts you spoke of did not do it under the flag of a nation like ours. The individuals that pull off revolution on a mass scale have to be both unified and bold. These people start with an idea, then organize and execute until their purpose is served. You might get away with censoring us, taxing us out of existence, or rounding up dissenters to fill your camps, but if you do, there will be swarms of true US citizens fighting against you.
   I hope that the "gridlock" stays firmly rooted in your town. You will be strangled by those stubborn, one dimensional pricks in Congress for another four years. They hate you and your ideas. Policy is a thing of the past, and until your branch, and the others surpass gridlock and move toward complete paralysis, you will see nothing achieved. We take the reigns then.
   Most of your constituents (yes, you have three hundred million people to answer to) miss the message you try to bury in you words. You are speaking through the mouth of of revelation, but you are calling for revolution. Of course you would never want blood and anger to be part of this movement you are attempting, but the further you pull away from our law, the closer you drive us to the brink of truly designing our own system. The framework has already been written, and it is still the most perfect system. It's called The Constitution. Every time you step on it, it becomes real again, and we will re-instate what has already been paid for in blood. Please don't take us there again. 
   If revolution is what you desire, you will get it. The flaw in your thinking is that we will never fall in line with Washington or any institution who seeks to destroy this experiment that is America. We do not need an impotent cheerleader leading the charge. You forget that for every poor, uneducated soul in this country, there are ten educated patriots standing in front of them. We will protect them, not your policy.
   There is a debate burning as to who or what you represent; that debate is over. You inadvertently showed us what is underneath your jacket. You are not an empty suit, you are a substantial wreck of a politician, acting like a child with full access to the country's wealth. Your dreamy lies of re-distribution is no more than a re-distribution of wealth to yourself and the hacks of Congress.
   None of you are safe. None of you will will maintain your lifestyles on our dime, through our sweat. We have been building an empire, and you are dismantling it before our eyes. Thank you for teaching us how to organize our communities. We will snatch your drones, and your "non-profit" gang of enforcers away too. Mr. Obama, you are neither a revelator nor a revolutionary. You and your Congress will ultimately lose.

                                                   Really, very, truly, J. Ojanpera


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