How Do You Start a blog?

   Blogging is great for so many things. You can share your day-to-day experiences, vent your frustrations, teach people things, and so much more. Some people actually make money blogging. I am taking the approach of a writer who has tested the waters of blog reach, and readership, and hopefully you will be convinced that you can do it.
1. Find which blogger you want to use. There are too many to list, but a google search will surely turn something up. I use "blogger" which is connected to your gmail account, and is easily shared on twitter and google +. If you are a facebook user, ther are also many ways to share your writings.

2. Set your blog page up in a way that is appealing; especially to your target audience. There are a multitude of templates and design options to personalize to exaction. Once you have been blogging for a time, the layouts (and eventually the ads) can be taylored to your niche in the published world. Quickly rising statistics are the best part; the part relating to other people reading your work all across the globe.

3. Look matters, but content is the driving force behind compelling your reader to go beyond the first few lines. Titles are your first line of defence for readers that generally want to ignore you. Remember, it takes less brain activity to scroll through your newsfeed than it does a boring blog. The best way to keep people interested is to write about things you know about. It is easy to spot a topical writer, so make sure you are informed. Even poetry and creative writing are subject to those rules.

4. Grammar and punctuation matter.

5. Practice form. Sentence order and paragraph structure are important to interesting, flowing writing. Your vocabulary doesn't need to encompass all, but if you have been reading your entire life, and finished high school, the words you know will suffice. The rule of being a good writer is to never quit reading and never quit writing. The only way to learn a craft is to perform the craft; eventually you will learn what works and what does not.

6. What do you want to accomplish? Do you aim to be the next underground journalist or are you aiming to attract a more "diary" type of audience? Whatever the case, it is a great way to keep your mind sharp no matter how many people read it. My only caution is that writing can be addictive, especially when there are so many things to write about.

If you start a blog you will learn to love it. All it takes is a small commitment of time, which can be found anywhere, and the following you gain will make it a neccessity to stay commited. Our thoughts matter, so publish them.


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