The Occupation

   I use the internet. I use Mediacom because it is faster than AT&T. The speeds they promise are not real, but who can really tell the difference between 15 and 50 mbps? The internet can be used for all sorts of things, some good, some not so much. The internet has provided us a way to know anything we care to know; almost. Online business has provided a way for couch potatoes to make millions. Most people use it to kill time or to insist that they can produce the perfect facebook status. Keep trying even though it will never happen. There are plenty of great quotes fused with photoshops, and those are sufficient.
   While there are millions of eyes staring at their screens, idle and oblivious, there are others making sure you are able to maintain your lifestyle on the internet. There are also organizations, or ruling parties who are using your internet lifestyle for statistical purposes. They are allowed to use any of your information as they please, and as long as you be quiet and keep playing your games that cannot be conquered, you will be fine. I don't have anything to hide on the internet, and I am not exactly doing anything radical, so whenever I am being tracked by the people who are supposed to serve me, they are wasting their time. Gathering data on every American seems fruitless and a little sci-fi, but apparently it is of use to them. Be careful what you write on facebook; you might be assigned your own personal data collector instead of a machine.
   I am not a big fan of conspiracy, I am not trying to sniff one out, and I believe that we will be left alone for the most part. The problem is that even in my lowly place on the web, with all six of my readers, I get pinged every day by some strange sites. Some of the sites are purely for categorical distribution of material, but others are basically invisible to me. I can see that they looked, but their links lead to nowhere. As time goes on, I feel like the wrong eyes are reading my words, but they are only skimming for keywords. If I say "bomb", I will get a ping. If I say "Israel's military is heartless and so is their government", I get two pings. If I say "the president is a criminal, and he is the 1%'s whore", I get three pings...
   This is a formal, electronic occupation. It is the equivalent of walking out your door in the morning, and being greeted by an armed security force. This force isn't there to protect anyone though, they are there to make sure everything you are doing isn't causing any ripple effect. I am being shown "share" buttons disappear on fb, posts being deleted, youtube links being taken down within minutes of upload. I have personally watched my blog stats change from one minute to the next; I get a read in China, two minutes later it's gone. I thought to myself that one of two things were happening; censorship, or a mistake on the part of my computer. Computers do not make mistakes. My eighth grade math teacher taught me that about calculators.
   How big is this occupying force? Who cares. The point is that there is an occupation force cordoning off the places that we are not allowed access to -of their choosing. It will be mostly unnoticed until it starts to affect the people who use the internet for nothing of consequence. I am sure that even a percentage of those affected will remain motionless, as the American dream has evolved to this point. Others of us will be breaking through and stepping around the occupation, and then there will be people like me. The most I can do is speak my mind and be the biggest pain in the ass I can be. I have learned through life that if you scratch at even the hardest surface long enough, it will yield.
   This invasion and occupation has to be dismantled. If not, the USA will begin to resemble The Gaza Strip. It has been reduced to a playground of abuse by a bully government that insists on squashing diplomacy. It happens over and over again, but it is always somewhere else. Keep an eye out America; our shores have been landed upon, and this army is no better than the worst terrorist organization that they have concocted to date. Ask someone who has been censored.


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