Slapped, DC Style

   Now that a handful of us are waking up, tired of the pocket pool tournament in Washington, I have to point something out. One way or another they find a way to slap us every day. Whether you are waiting on funds for "Sandy", running from the IRS, or hungry because milk costs $4 a gallon, you are being slapped. Your gas is a tax that our central government can raise and lower at will. The federal tax per gallon was an average of 18 cents per gallon before April, 2012. Now the national average is 50 cents per gallon. Wouldn't it be nice if we had an account that we could raise our interest rates on every time we wanted to buy a large ticket item? I would buy our military back from those dupes. It's worth over $600 billion this year. I could buy Hostess twelve times.
   That won't happen, so what now? Could we remove the taxes on junk food? That is a direct tax on everyone, and with upwards of 50 million families on food stamps it seems to be working against the entire machine.
   That's the norm in DC though; absolute counter productivity. Imagine our farmers never rotating crops. There would be no bread basket, just useless soil that would scarcely grow cactus. I see us at a fork in the road. If our legislative and executive branch would take their hands out of our pockets, quit straddling the capitalist/Socialist fence, and truly act, we might float around oblivious for a few more years. No matter, we are free to leave.
   What do you do when someone slaps you? There are two kinds of slaps; the slap deserved and the insulting slap. I hate to say it, but I have been slapped more than once, and deserved it. I could have either gotten mad for my bruised ego, or taken it as an instant correction for my offence. I have never been slapped for no reason, but I see the insulting slap as one of differing views; it could be called a "fascist slap". If a man slapped me I would assume that he was picking a fight.
   We don't fall into the category of deserving a slap from our elected. When they slap us with taxes disguised as relief, it can only be insulting. When they take 23 weeks of vacation per year and get paid upward of $200,000, we don't deserve a slap. When our big boss lies with a sparkly white smile, claiming a victory for the people, we don't deserve it. When we spend billions on people who would rather live in caves while our kids starve, isn't that a slap? It damn sure isn't sacrificial giving on the part of our government.
   Most of the globe would rather us not tinker with their cultures; especially under the misnomer of "democracy". (I stole that from god's favorite president, W) I hope god takes care of his conscience. He was trying to beat King David's record. Sorry dude, he wiped out entire tribes -with arrows and spears. Another slapper. Our current administration doesn't have the same "holy war" mentality. Mr. O is just tossing his hand and $600 billion, and letting them play; legal or not. They have taken objectionable vocabulary out of our collective lexicon, and replaced it with silence. I haven't asked my rep. why we are still sending bullets and brothers to Afghanistan, but I bet he would tell me that he isn't on the war commission. I will ask him tomorrow so I can get a form letter with a stamped signature. I will post it. I think the only way you would get a real answer is if you send a death threat, but he won't answer that either; a high dollar team of federal agents would though. I am not suggesting this, just for the sake of literary example. SLAP! SLAP! SLAP!


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