Anarchy or Intelligencia

Anarchy: 1. A state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority.
                  2. Absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a polititical ideal.

   Every generation goes through a phase where anarchy seems like the only way to freedom. I drew plenty of anarchy symbols on my folders in ninth grade, and I felt like I could break free from an oppressive dad and his religion if only something would change; at any cost. I also drew peace signs on my folders. Eventually I realized that the two cannot go hand in hand; at least not in America. You would think that the dissolution of authority would grant us the ability to do as we please, but people are inherently selfish and communes never really work. I am not a fan of the police in my city, and the Chief is essentially a Communist, but there are some areas of town that even they cannot control. Their absence would be devastating. The accidental anarchists would handily high-jack our city through violence against the city. They would attack businesses, homes, individuals, and each other. The city would implode because the people that want anarchy have no real basis for their ideations.
   I have heard the term "professional anarchist" from the media, and I can't figure out what that constitutes. I am not aware of any degrees being offered for anarchism. I can only conclude that it either has to do with being noticed by the media as an anarchist, or someone who has sought out and consumed the information available through 800 page books; a bunch of them. This is not likely. It seems to me that professional anarchism looks like the end of the "occupy" movement. It was a quickly proven experiment in how the ungoverned, unfocused society ends up; filthy, starving, and clueless.
   Intelligencia should not have to be defined. Using your brain to fight your sighted enemy in today's America can be a slow process for change, but it is superior to any idea of toppling a government like ours. We still have a measure of freedom greater than any industrialized nation on earth. Anarchy becomes nothing more than a smoke screen for crime, and lands in the realm of fantasy when someone decides that their freedom is not enough. If you never grew out of your "anarchy phase", and you truly desire chaos, there are plenty of opportunities in the Middle East. The fastest and cheapest way to get there is by making the free will choice to join our military (made up entirely of volunteers). They will transport you to the places where anarchy truly reigns. If open war does not change your mind, nothing will. If that is the case, you should probably talk to someone other than your six friends on a message board for anarchists; there is more to it than having dreams about making bombs out of tennis balls and match heads.
   Think about it.



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