Dear Anonymous,

   I like your invisible nature. I don't really have that luxury because I lack both the concern and the left-brained grit to make myself impossible to track. I want you to know that there are many stripes falling in line with your message of exposure, with a very clear policy on forgiveness. The revolutionary potential is great, but most of us don't want to go down it's inevitable path of man-to-man combat. How do we circumvent that? Is there binary code that can render violence extinct? No; but there are those who understand the role being played outside of the wires.
   I know you heard the call of the aware, and I would like to believe that your actions are a result of that passion. I heard the message of caution to all of the overzealous dupes who just want to cause trouble, or are simply the lifeless part of our societies looking for a party. Many individuals truly want to believe in a cause greater than their own imaginations, but aren't capable of imagining it. Anonymous has imagined it, and is poised for a long-standing relationship with injustice and all crimes against good; though what is good is relative, and a difficult selection process. You have been commissioned with that selection process and we are trusting you will be the most unforgiving maelstrom of data overload when you select. Consider us what happens after you fly through.
   The normal citizen is thinking of how to get more, and because of that dogged focus, things have slipped to the point of neccessitating this movement; most of which must remain anonymous. We no longer live in the world of the pony express, so our information moves at speeds that our cable providers can't even match. The essence of this entity remains a step ahead of the greatest minds; though I'm sure the pursuit is white-hot. I wonder what they will be trying when this "madness" perpetuates itself beyond binary. I am looking forward to it.



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