How Do You Spell Obama?

   Dear Mr. President, my friends, as well as I, have to talk to you about a few items. I will try to be nice because we voted for you and actively campaigned for you to get where you are today -both times. I know where you personally stand on many issues after reading your books, and some other's books about you. I felt like a child at Disney World for the first time when I read "The Audacity of Hope". It is a wonderful collection of ideals from the mouth of a true Progressive. Your words reminded me of FDR, and Wilson; there is even a tone of JFK present in the pages.
   I have studied your mentors, and I can see Mr. Saul Alinsky's liberating message woven into your philosophy. I also read that you know your ideas are probably fit for a generation centuries from now because you know that our central government and it's ability to concentrate power has been retarded by idiots. You even said that we should double-check the "representation" we are entitled to from our elected. Most of them know what's going on in Fiji more than where their constituents live. After four years of hands on training, you have seen the fortified chambers on both sides of the capitol building. I'm sure you were shocked when you saw your greatest cheerleaders jumping ship because it was an insurmountable force pointing its cannons at you as you entered. I guess the difference between a ticker-tape parade on the lawn, and the internal workings inside congress is crippling. I'll never really know.
    We have pretty much written off your first term as beginners luck and forgiven any hint of malaise or confusion on your part. I know you signed a few bills that most of us will never know about. (I follow pretty closely and I know of a few that are already helping) Like I said, you get a mulligan for the first four years. The only thing that could have helped you more in your first term is a new war; with a wealthy nation. Your stats would have fared well.
   Now the bad news. We had hope for change, but like you we realized there is no hope. The fiscal cliff thing appeared to be a victory that brought the old men of congress to their knees, but that turned out to be a ruse. I thought you had figured out how to work those fossilized Republicans. I was wrong again. I was even sent a video of you explaining what the deal meant. You lied. Your numbers were based on nothing but a fabrication. Sure, the landed gentry have to pay more, but so do I. I can think of hndreds of ways to cut your budget, and you settled for something that will probably benefit you down the road; like when you become the Grand Marshal of the UN after your term. From here it looks like congress passed this bill because they were allowed to pork it out with $70 billion for bullshit. The three minutes that Senators had to look at this pile of crap bill were only able to verify their own pork, and then vote. I can scarcely read five pages in three minutes. I could probably read one page of the legal speak in three minutes. That gets a "wtf?" No matter; the bones have been thrown.
   If that weren't bad enough, you signed a bill that not only breaks your promise of closing gitmo, it actually has a provision to detain American citizens for suspected terrorist support. It's called the NDAA.  What's next? Will you start combing through our neighborhoods to count our guns? Does gun ownership equal terrorist support? Are the right-wing fear mongers right about you? Should I procure an arsenal to protect my family from your military? Will I have to point my guns at my brother? We both have American citizenship and families. Whatever the case Mr. Commander, they will turn on you before me.
   The hope is gone now, and you stole it away from us. We are left no choice but to gather ourselves together to work out our societal ills -not that anyone in DC could. My only real hope is that you turn a blind eye to the one's of us who have been activated by your failures. We are anonymous now, but our work will show up on your desk, and the desks of congress. Our propositions will render your sport useless. Thank you in advance for keeping your circus in an evolutionary cul-de-sac.


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